
"Jenny, wake up!" Aiden said as he knocked on Jenny's door.

"It's still early. I'm still sleepy!" Still half asleep, Jenny took a pillow to cover her head and closed her eyes again.

"It's already 10 o'clock. How would you like Brother Jonathan to have a lazy wife like you? You will definitely be rejected!" Anya said patiently.

Jenny was silent for a moment and immediately opened her eyes. She jolted from his bed and threw off the blanket. Before she could put on her sandals, she immediately ran towards the door with her bare feet and opened it. Her face was full of excitement and anticipation. "Auntie, have you agreed to my relationship with Jonathan?"

Aiden looked at Jenny's messy bird-nest hair and said, "Are you that impatient to marry Jonathan? He's not that good."

"Yeah, I can't wait for it. Jonathan is the best man in the world," Jenny was so in love. "So, has grandfather changed his mind and agreed to my marriage?"