In Danger

She not only scolded Nico, but also occasionally hit him. Even though it wasn't a hard hit, Tara was really annoyed.

In front of his wife, Nico became more honest.

All the maids stood there, watching Tara scold Nico. And no one dared to stop him.

Their butler had been expelled and the salaries of all the servants were deducted due to their negligence. If they don't want to, they can just leave the place.

But in this case, all the servants in the house knew Anya was right. They have the duty and responsibility to take care of the hosts as well as the guests. Even though guests are not their masters, that doesn't mean they can ignore them.

Nico didn't have the ability to take good care of the children so the servants were paid to help him. But what did they do? They let Nico lead the kids into a dangerous play.

Fortunately, Aksa had fallen on the air cushion. If the cushion failed to catch them, wouldn't that be very dangerous?