Strong Women

Anya felt very angry after hearing the news. She immediately went to meet her mother.

"What was he thinking? He knew that Jessica wanted to destroy my marriage with Aiden before. But he deliberately recruited her as his secretary!" Anya said angrily.

"I heard Jessica has a bad reputation and is often involved with a lot of people," Diana said.

"She approached many men in town, both young and old. She was even caught in a scandal with a rich old man twice her age. Your father recruited her as a secretary maybe because of a request from her father," said Indah.

Anya blinked her eyes and asked, "Mom, aren't you afraid that something will happen to him and Jessica?"

"Your father is not that kind of person," Indah and Diana said in unison.

"Why are you two defending him? Maybe dad isn't that kind of person, but what about Jessica?" Anya pouted.