Better Friends

"Bima, do you know why I respected my daughter's request not to be with you?" Marsha smiled faintly.

"Why?" asked Bhima.

"You are too stubborn. You want everything to go according to your decision so my daughter thought that I will be restrained by you. You decide and break your son and your grandchildren's marriages as you wish. You decide what's best for them. Will you also dictate my life later?" Marsha looked at Bima carefully after saying that.

Bima was really surprised when he heard that. And after he overcame his surprise, he lowered his head. He was completely silent and didn't say a word.

In the past, he asked his assistant to contact Marsha's daughter. He wanted to bribe her so that she'd agree with their relationship.

But opposed their relationship more after that. She even threatened to cut off her relationship with Marsha as mother and child if Marsha persisted to be with Bima.