Half Wealth

"Eat this porridge. You're exactly the same as when I was pregnant with Jenny. When I was pregnant with Nico, I didn't feel anything at all. But when I was pregnant with Jenny, I always threw up every time I smelled the food. It looks like you are pregnant with a girl," Maria said with a smile.

"I also hope that the child in my womb is a girl. We want a daughter." Anya took the bowl of porridge but still couldn't swallow it.

Since Anya kept feeling nauseous and uncomfortable, Aiden ended up taking her home early.

On the way home, Aiden asked his bodyguard to drive slowly and steadily. He was worried that if the car went too fast, Anay would feel uncomfortable and feel even more nauseous.

Anya leaned in his arms and said in a weak voice, "Looks like this kid will be very strong later."

"Why so?" Aiden asked with a smile.