Who Can Protect Me?

"This is too cruel for her. Is there no other way? What did Doctor Tirta say? There must be a way to find the best doctor, right? Aiden, you must help Nadine to keep her child!" Anya said.

"Anya, calm down. I will find a way. Trust me, I will definitely find a way out," Aiden tried to comfort her.

Anya took a deep breath to calm her mood.

"I trust you. No matter what you do, you must help Nadine to keep her child. Give Harris a long vacation. I will ask someone from the school to help later."

"I'll call the doctor right away," Aiden hung up the phone and immediately called one of the doctors.

In the past, Bima brought doctors from abroad when Anya was pregnant because Anya's condition was also weak when she was pregnant. This time, Aiden asked the doctor for help again and the doctor agreed, then promised to keep the secret.