Her Dream Has Been Realized

Jenny almost jumped in joy when she found out that Tiara was pregnant.

"Tiara, if your daughter is a girl, set her up with my son. If it's a boy, your son and mine can play together like brothers," Jenny said with great enthusiasm.

"What should I do now? If I had a child, it would be difficult for my body to return to the way it used to be even if my injuries were healed. It's hard to lose weight as we get older," Tiara said, looking depressed.

"Do you want to abort the child?" Jenny looked at her best friend in surprise.

"I… I don't know," Tiara held her head, not knowing what to decide.

"Rudi's family has accepted you. I think you better marry him now. Even if you don't give birth to this child, your injury will still take a long time to heal. It won't make that much difference since you can't go back on stage. It's better to keep it while you recover from your injuries," Jenny urged her to not give up on her child.