Anna's Video

"I like Brother Arka. I thought he was a serious and scary person. But he wanted to accompany me and play with me. I support him to become my brother-in-law!" Samuel suddenly appeared on the stairs.

"Ugh, you always go where the wind goes, don't you? Today, Brother Arka accompanied you to karate and you want him to be your brother-in-law. Tomorrow, if Brother Aksa invites you to play with his car, you will ask him to be your brother-in-law. And the day after tomorrow, if Mason buys you good food, you'll change your mind again. This is an adult problem, not for a  child. Now go to your room and sleep!" Sabrina said to her brother.

Samuel looked sullen and annoyed after hearing his sister's words. "I'm serious this time. I promise I won't change my mind."

"No way," Sabrina said with a laugh.

"Evil sister! I don't like you anymore." Samuel immediately ran upstairs while sulking.