Big Sister Kissed a Boy!

"Sabrina, it's not safe here. Come to my house," Arka let her go. He got out of the car and shifted to the driver's seat, ready to leave.

"Brother…" Sabrina was in a sleeping position in the back seat. She got up and said, "I drove myself here. You go home and I'll come too."

"Sabrina…" Arka's eyes were bloodshot, as if trying to hold back his feelings.

"You want to take me to your house. What would you do? Do you often bring women to your house like this?" Sabrina said as she straightened her clothes and hair.

"I just wanted to take you home," Arka said calmly.

"No. You— If you want to take me to your house, ask me before I get in the car," Sabrina looked at Arka. "I'm going home first."

She got out of the car. The girl closed the door and returned to her own car.

Arka's hands clenched into fists, hitting the steering wheel hard. Today, he was too impatient. He couldn't hold himself back. Luckily, Sabrina wasn't mad at him.