A Grandfather's Feelings

"Madam, is Mister Aiden at home? Let him come here quickly. Mrs. Maria was not at home when Mr. Eka came and Mr. Bima let him in," the maid said anxiously from the phone.

Anya immediately hung up and went to the study looking for Aiden, but Aiden wasn't home.

Then she asked the driver to prepare the car and sent a message to Aiden, telling him that Eka was at the Atmajaya Family's house and that she would immediately go there.

Anya rarely leaves the house. Most of the clothes hanging in her closet are casual home clothes. But when she met Eka, she had to wear formal clothes.

She recalled the clothes that Lili wore that day. A white shirt and jeans seemed neat enough to meet Eka.

Anya found a white shirt that was not too formal, but not too casual either. There was a small pink flower embroidered in the area near her neck. Her hands were a little loose, making the dress look simple, but still charming.