I'll Rip Your Mouth Off

"Don't come here again. I'm not your friend and you shouldn't be friends with someone like me. Three years ago, I had my doubts but I really needed the opportunity. If I wasn't famous, I couldn't make money to pay off my mother's debts. I have never regretted my actions that took advantage of you. I don't regret lying to Arka. But I'm sorry that I couldn't get him." Anna knows that by doing this, she won't be able to be friends with Sabrina anymore.

But she still said it.

Sabrina silently shed her tears. "If you don't think of me as a friend, I won't come again."

On the way home, she leaned against the car's window and didn't say anything.

"Sabrina, don't lean against the window." Arka gently reminded her.

She turned her head and leaned back in the chair. "Anna doesn't want me to accompany her. I didn't think my help would put her under such pressure."