Childhood Story II

Cinta was expecting Lili to talk about other people. But as it turned out, the people in the story were her grandfather, her parents and herself.

"I don't remember at all. If it is true that father did that, he has committed a crime. I also want to remember my past. Does grandpa like me?" Cinta asked.

Lili nodded, "Even though you're not good at school, your mouth is very sweet and it's easy to make your parents happy. Your grandfather used to say that you were good at everything, just didn't like studying."

Aksa wiped the tears from Lili's face gently. Every now and then, he would kiss the top of her head, trying to calm her feelings.

"Livia is good at everything. She just didn't like studying," an old man sat in a rocking chair. He said it while laughing heartily.

The image appeared in Cinta's mind in a second. She then hit her head. The memories flashed so fast like a light. After that, she couldn't remember anything anymore.