Mysterious Book

"Sis, now you are our family too. We will take very good care of you. You and the child in your womb must be safe and secure. You don't know that Brother Aksa is… Forget it. He won't tell you." Adel didn't continue her sentence.

"What's wrong with your brother? Tell me, I won't tell him," said Lili curiously.

"He went crazy and looked for you everywhere. He's trying to go all over the place to find you. When he was drunk, he kept calling your name. Dad said that if he really loved you, he would help him to send someone and bring you back. But Brother Aksa did not let father interfere. I don't want my father to embarrass you," Adel recalled the previous few months. "Sis, my brother loves you very much. No matter what happens, never leave him again."

Lili's eyes reddened when she heard the story. She answered in a choked voice while nodding her head. "I won't leave him."