Looking For Her

One hour later, Donny used his connections to contact the police station and file a report that Merry had disappeared.

Currently, only a few hours had passed after the girl disappeared, so the police department was unable to help them.

Soon after, the group returned to the Rockstar Hotel.

Chris went straight to the bedroom when he entered the door, locked it, and started making calls with his cell phone.

His expression was very serious, and his heart was restless. The little girl was kidnapped in the cafe in the blink of an eye, and the man had never known such a bitter incident in his life.

The kidnapper was very clever and chose to take her away in South Jakarta, which limited his and Samuel's movements.

Fortunately, Ivan learned of the news and sent various resources to search.

Along with the Irianto's family, they are also constantly searching.

The afternoon passed, there was still no news.