It begins

2035- rational thinking has always been at the forefront of the progression of civilization but now it will push us forward more than ever. For the last 10 years we have prepared for a utopia which could be within reach. Almost 100% of the world's scientific budget has went into genetically modified algae and directing ice comets to our destination. Despite the few acting irrationally: motivated by corporate greed, poverty is almost completely eradicated across the globe. We are now on the way to conquering Mars.

The great thinkers Niels, Rosalind and Albert accompanied by a fortuitous physics student named Asher are setting off to colonise and explore the red planet. Tomorrow the launch will commence.

Currently, the 4 astronauts are making way to the launch site or saying their final good-byes. Standing tall, Niels leaves his house for the final time radiating confidence to anyone near by. Asher gets on an over crowded train with no room to move, holding onto the handrail he meets eyes with a student from his class but the wall of train goers seperate them and nothing was said. Albert and Rosalind are waiting, twidling their thumbs in silence, both struggling to make conversation.

Albert, with nothing to do, throws a question at Rosalind. 'why should we spend so much money on space exploration when there are still fundamental problems here?'

Without hesitation Rosalind answers, 'The current biggest problem Earth faces is climate change, Mars is a guinea pig for testing all the terraforming innovations. If it works, species that couldn't cope with the changes we brought to Earth can be revived. However if we fail, families from Earth can be brought to Mars and perhaps one day we can colonise and make use of the whole solar system.'

Rudely interrupting, Asher arrives and awkwardly sits next to the two giants of science and rational thinking. Asher has not done anything extraordinary yet unlike the other 3. He was lucky to win a lottery for the last space onboard. Despite being treat as an equal somewhere in him felt as if he was constantly being judged by anyone and everyone. Niels arrived late but luckily in time to shatter the awkardness and silence before it engulfed the room.

Niels discussed and planned the launch Infront of them all.

'Any questions or regrets, you shall now propose before it is too late to turn back.' He raised.

To no suprise no one answered. All but one was keen to be the first to colonise Mars and make history. It was Asher, he lacked any emotion towards anything. He felt he was obliged to go, the luck he had was more than he needed to get through life comfortably but he felt as if he had no purpose. Whilst getting up to leave Albert advised it was time to rest and prepare for tomorrow. No one disagreed and swiftly made way to their rooms. As Asher left, everyone reassured him he deserved the 4 position but he couldn't bring himself to agree.

Asher arrived at his room for the night. A small simple place for him to do anything he wanted, it wasn't enough to spark joy but it was sufficient for one night. He sat down and day dreamed that one day he was away from everything, in another world with anything he could imagine but he knew the harsh reality that it would never come and he slowly dozed off. Niels and Albert discussed the plan from their own rooms, double checking everything making sure the team was prepared for anything. After staying up most of the night they knew it was vital to rest well, for a 9 month journey was eagerly creeping closer to them. The uncertainty and mystery of Mars kept them up. They both visualised an endless list of possibilities but no amount of training or imagination could have prepared for what was lying ahead.