The beginning of the end

Niels slowly but surely headed towards the ravine. Upon arrival, Niels scouted the area to check for any extreme weather coming his way. 'Nothing coming in this direction by the looks of it, I can head down for aslong as I want' he thought to himself. Niels carefully scales down the side of the ravine, making his way to where he made his mysterious discovery of the illuminous slime. After getting halfway down, his hair raised and a panic grasped his body making him freeze up. His body didn't permit another step down, something was scaring him. He tried to reassure himself nothing dangerous was happening and after a minute he managed to take another step down. He treaded carefully and regained his pace from before, climbing down further. Finally he made it. As soon as he touched down onto the ledge where the illuminous substance once was. He noticed something was different. The area was more closed off than before, with rocks placed with the purpose of hiding the tunnel to the area with the substance. Niels held his breath and listened to his surroundings but there was nothing to be heard over the sound of dust hitting his suit. Thousands of thoughts filled his head but nothing could predict what was there.

Something unimaginable was here.

Niels took a step back to calm down. After all being isolated from the world for so long can take a toll on mental health, he began to reassure himself that nothing changed and he just forgot how it was. But it didn't matter. His hair rose and a sense of dread filled the air but Niels curiosity and ego forced himself to look and figure out what was scaring him. He searched the area but nothing. He started to calm down and then began looking at the newly placed rocks. He started moving them one by one until a large jagged rock broke in half after he tried lifting it. Now there was room for him to pass through. He quickly squeezed past and looked ahead. The substance spread across the cave walls further and was covering almost quadrupled the area now.

Was it alive? Did someone or something else visit here? Niels was shocked but was too curious to let his thoughts scare him. He decided to head deeper but would soon reconsider his decision. As he made his way deeper the substance got brighter and often varied in colour. It covered the walls for as far as he could see. He kept walking deeper, assuming he would find an answer soon. His heart raced as he went deeper and deeper and he soon spotted an open area. He made his way towards it and dread flowed through his veins. Niels now looked and observed the new found area and now made the biggest discovery in the history of the human race. Something moved around where he was looking. Niels now knew he couldn't hide his secret for much longer. He discovered a human-like figure and Niels stepped back and hid to stay unnoticed. No one ever set foot on Mars before the group but Niels was certain in what he saw. He peaked out again to see if there was anything else but only noticed the same figure facing the opposite way still. Whilst moving back out of sight, Niels hit the side of his suit against the cave wall sending a high pitched screech that broke the silence. The figure turned around and looked towards him. It's face was revealed. Skin glowing light amethyst hidden beneath a jet black robe tied shut with a vermilion belt, it was an extra terrestrial. Neils' was filled with emotions, negative and positive and was now faced with confronting the being.

The beginning of the end started.