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Killing Byron

-Rewards:- 20,000 points, 100,000 Exp, 10 Lucky Spins, Epic Grade Skill Box, Legendary Grade Weapon Box, Supreme Grade Awakening Pill.

-In Addition, if you can finish this mission in 2 years, you will receive a special reward.

He told System to Teleport him near his hut after that. Tho he could only roughly point in the map but thankfully he was not too far from his hut as he was directly teleported in the slum area.

There was a precious thing in his tattered hut.

Ace came to his hut while covering his face with a black cloth he found on the road and directly left the area after picking up the photo of his mom and dad.

He needs to make some plans if he wants to kill byron and secure his escape route first Because he is not powerful enough to face all of those Galactic humans yet.

' Hey, do you have anything that can change my facial features? ' Ace said in his mind as naturally He and system can do telepathy because the system is already inside him.

Ace opened the shop and when he looked at the price he nearly coughed blood from anger, ' This thing costs frigging 10,000 Points. Where am going to take out so many points ? from my a-s? '

< Calm down dude, I was just saying that such an item exists but...sigh nvm >

' I really need something to disguise my face if I want to destroy those galactic pirates in 2 years and get special rewards '

< Eh....you are aiming to finish the mission in 2 years? That's Extremely hard. I am not expecting you to finish this Mission in 2 years anyway. >

' If you are not expecting then why did you put that description in the mission ' Ace asked doubtfully.

< The World of Systems is complicated. I am not issuing those missions but something else. But those missions will certainly related to your benefits & Trials and suited for an Anti-Hero.>

' I can finish this mission in 2 years if I can get the facial mask from the shop which can change my facial features. ' Ace bragged.

< Hmmm..This is somewhat problematic. I also hope that you finish this mission in two years as it will also benefit me. >

' can't you just let me buy it first then I pay back later? you can even add interest. '

< It's not that simple. I don't have full control over the shop. And Although I have a way to get you the mask for that, I will have to sacrifice...>

' hmm? Sacrifice what? tell me as I will help you if I can because I am the one who needs the mask. '

< I can't say certain things because your Authority is not high enough. But nvm I've decided to gamble on you. I hope you will cover the cost of what I am going to sacrifice in the future. >

' Don't worry. I will help you cover the cost of whatever you sacrificed in the future.'

< Alright since I've done it then I won't fuss you over with it for now as you don't have the ability to do so with your current strength >

< Now go to the Shop and get the mask >

Ace opened the shop again and when he looked at The box which described the Mask there was a change compared to before. The Price of 10,000 points was gone and was replaced by some sort of symbol which had two extremely lifelike eyes in it that reflected countless stars.

' What is this symbol? '

Ace could feel that system was serious this time and the other time when it said that it would have to sacrifice something.

He swore to repay the system as it had also saved his life and gave him the chance to take revenge for his parents.

After sorting out his thoughts Ace took out the mask and put it on his face.

< Just think of a face and your face will turn into that. Those idiots Galactic Pirates won't be able to see through the mast unless they have some ability to detect the mask or a Person at EsKnight Level >

Ace didn't bother to ask what is an Esknight Level as he has more important things to do for now.

' huh...A new Mission? Let's see what it is. '

[~Kill Byron~]

-Kill The Galactic pirate Byron who has committed numerous sins and avenge your parents.

-Rewards: 5000 EXP, 1000 points, 1 Lucky Spin.

-Kill him in 24 hours to receive a bonus reward:- Mysterious Accessory Box ( Rare ).

' Alright I was going to do the deed next day early morning which is under the 24-hour timer so I will also get the Bonus reward ' Ace thought because it was already 6 PM when he returned to the Slum by teleportation.

For now, he is going to look around byron's place and scout the area around it so that he can have an easier time escaping after killing him.

Ace spent the next few hours looking around Byron's place while avoiding suspicion, Though Byron still hasn't arrived.

He still wore the black cloth over his face as he had another use for the face he created using the mask.

After he finished scouting at night he came over to a corner street where Byron will pass in the morning as he knew his routine because he had stayed here for few months and came to create trouble at his place every now and then.

Ace saw Byron coming with some girls at midnight.

' Enjoy your last night bastard ' Ace thought. Ace also slept after that but he was ready to wake up early in the morning.

Time passed by and It was already 5 AM in the morning.

Ace woke up as he was not actually deeply sleeping because it's hard to sleep by the street.

' Oh yea that gun ' Ace suddenly remembered about the gun and asked System, ' can I kill Byron with the gun? Does it have enough power to kill byron? '

< It is absolutely possible to kill Byron with a Single Shot of that gun powered by all of your mana in one shot. The gun is actually more powerful than you right now because its max power capacity is 2000 Mana which means it can shoot an extremely powerful beam if you infuse 2000 mana into it, Though it can't go beyond 2000 power cap. >

Ace was speechless as he was thinking about how to effectively assassinate Byron using Eternal Ice Crystals but now that won't necessary as he can one-shot byron with the gun.

Byron will come out after around 2 hours so he sat down at the corner of the street where they were already a few beggers and covered himself with cloths like he was sleeping.

After Killing him he can directly run away through this street because he knows a secret narrow tunnel which leads to the outside of this city. Adults can't pass through that tunnel as it's too narrow. But it won't be a problem for the 15-year-old him.

2 hours passed but Byron still did not come and Ace was getting Anxious because this did not sit well with his plan.

He decided to wait for one more hour.

After 45 minutes passed Ace could finally see Byron with his lackeys.

Ace summoned the gun underneath his clothes and waited for Byron to come near him while infusing the gun with mana.

Byron was just 10 steps away from him and he had decided to shoot when byron is 4 steps away from him.






Ace was counting and the Aim of his Gun was ready underneath his clothes.

Just as Byron took one more step, Ace Fired his full-powered shot worth 400 Mana and it directly hit the Byron at his left side of the chest because Ace had deliberately chosen this side of the street so as to aim at his heart.

After Firing the shot he ran without looking back as he knew that Byron Definitely died with that shot because he already heard the Mission completed notification. At first, He was planning to use Eternal Ice Crystal to secure the kill but The Mission completion Notification indicated that Byron died instantly with one shot of the gun, Most likely because it was aimed at his heart.

< Mission Completed: Kill Byron >

< 5000 Exp, 1000 Points, 1 lucky Spin and 1 Accessory box Received >

< You have successfully taken one step towards becoming The Greatest Hero which will born out from an Anti-Hero System >

Ace did not have time to check the rewards as he was focused on running.

After running from one street to another he entered the small tunnel on the left side of the barren area.

He kept moving inside the narrow tunnel for 2 hours before coming out its other end which was outside of the city.

After coming out he changed his clothes which he bought from his hut with his photo and changed his facia features using Mask and started walking towards the city with a detour.

" phew....that was really tiring. " Ace signed a relief after doing everything.