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Soul Stones & Soul-Spirit

The Soulstones looked like white stones with a mysterious interior, There was something misty there without exact shape and it was moving around in stone, It doesn't look like it was trapped inside the stone but a part of the stone itself.

" Should we pick the soulstones for him or let him pick the soulstone himself? " Olvan asked.

" what does he know about soul stones? Even we don't know what we will get until it is awakened, Just randomly pick two soul stones and let him awaken them. " Roddy said.

Ace asked the system in his mind, ' What are these soulstones anyway?, I wanted to ask when I first saw it in your shop but the situation was urgent at that time so didn't ask and forgot about it later. What do we get from a soulstones? '

' What do you mean by They are everywhere but not everywhere ' Ace was confused by this weird phrase so he asked.

< It means that you can find them anywhere as there are no exact places of where they will spawn but they will also spawn very rarely so it's hard to find them. >

< There will be a certain phenomenon when many Soulstones are going to spawn, So various forces and organizations will fight each other to get them. There is also a type of Soulstone that spawns individually, But they are even rarer to find but in case you find it then it means you are lucky because The Soulstone that spawns individually is generally more powerful but the power of a Soulspirit is determined by their users. >

' I see...'

< Of course, Soulstones are very random and their growth rate is dependent on their users as their Abilities Varies from each other and on how their users raise them. >

Just then Roddy handed over two soul stones to him.

' They feel a bit warm ' Ace thought as Soulstones were not cold but instead felt warm when touching.

Ace then asked Roddy, " How do I Awaken them? "

Roddy said with derision, " Just inject your mana in it, Little bit is enough to awaken the Soul-Spirit inside it. "

Ace then injected Mana into both of the soulstones under the eyes of the trio.

< Just add 100 mana in each soul stone >

Hearing this Ace injected an exact 100 Mana into each of the Soulstones. Ace waited for a while then both soulstones started melting while producing bright lights.

Soon They melted completely and turned into two different things.

< Congratulations to Host for getting a Soul-Spirit: Eijar >

< Congratulations to Host for getting a Soul-Spirit: Rudduim >

Even without System saying it, Ace already knew the names of these two little things when they were awakened. It felt like their very souls were imprinted within him. They relied on him. it means if he died they would die but if they died nothing would happen to Ace.

Eijar had two little wings and was completely dark red with crimson veins in color, it had no legs but rather flames as it was floating around Ace.

Ruddiam was like a piece of black rock that had two legs with a round face and big eyes, it could not fly and only stay on Ace's hand.

Both of their sizes were very small as they fit in Ace's palm perfectly.

Ace also found an additional Status page for his Soul-Spirits.

[Soul Spirit]

< Eijar > ( Infant )

-Specialty: Magma Transformation

-Form: No Form

< Ruddium > ( Infant )

-Speciality: Absolute Defense

-Form: Shield

' Why is there no Weapon Form for Eijar? ' Ace asked the system.

< I don't know. Soul-Spirits are rare and rarely there is a soul spirit with the exact same appearance and ability so no one knows about them and that's what makes them interesting. >

' I see, how do they fight? I haven't seen any skills on them ' Ace asked.

< They are not that powerful in Infant Stage you have to grow them and make them powerful by feeding Mana stones, Their Specialities might come into use when needed and they would awaken skills and other things later on. >

Roddy said at this time, " Let's go, This kid had already awakened Soul spirits from Soulstones. now its time for his training, First I will teach him for two hours then one of you can come to the training center to train him "

Soon they entered the Training Center in the spaceship, The Training Center was very big and it had lots of sparring area and many types of equipment to train body.

Roddy said after entering, " You must have heard of the phrase Great Superpower needs Great Body. right? "

Ace said Blanky, " No ".

Roddy almost chocked but said with contempt, " yeah I almost forgot that there was no one who awakened Superpower in this trash universe. "

" Anyways, We use Superpower, and Superpowers are used through a medium which is our body, If you body is not strong enough then you won't be able to increase the level of your Superpower. " Roddy said in one breath. After that, he took out a book from his pants.

Go and memorize this book and every content in it, You will use it to strengthen your body.

Ace took the book and sat down to read but in reality, he was talking to the system.

' Hey is it true that I need to increase my body strength if I want to level my Superpower further? '

< yep you need a strong body and a strong mind to house strong Superpowers, Your Eternal Ice Formation will not enter into Level 20 if you Body's constitution is not 10, Same with Shadowling Summon, For it to Enter level 20 you need 10 in Mind.>

' Got it '

< Oh yea do you want to me Absorb this book's Body Training? Although i didn't want to add it because it is too low level but to save time i will help you train in it with EXP >

' You should have done that from the start ' Ace was speechless.

< You Have Learned Basic Body Training Method >

[Level 1]>[Max Level : 20]

-increase Strenght by 2 and Constitution by 3 after reaching Level 20.

' hmmm this is really low level, only increasing strength by 2 and constitution by 3 when reaching level 20 ' Ace said after looking at it.

' That sounds awesome, Do you have those type of body training manuals in your Shop ? '

< Of Course, This Great Anti-Hero System have everything. >

Ace looked into the shop but almost peed his pants seeing the price. ' damn you System '

< Hahaha Kid, Those Body training manuals can only be trained after you reach Level 100 >

' Anyway Level up Basic Body training to LVL 20 ' Ace said after the jokes.

< Congratulations for Achieving Basic Body Training to Level 20 >

Afterward, Ace faked reading the book for 1 hour and went to Roddy, " I memorized the whole book "

Roddy got angry right after hearing this, " You bastard dare lie to me, You know the consequences for disobeying us right? '

' Fuck you and your consequences ' Ace thought in his mind as he got angry but he holds it in and said with a blank face, " Yes, But I really memorized it "

Roddy was doubtful because he knew that those people who are implanted with this special chip would never lie, " really? Then Show me right now i want to see all 10 stances recorded in the book "

Ace could already perform all stances of the training method with ease since he had already reached max level in it.

So he showed all stances recorded in the book to Roddy one by one and roddy got more and more astonished as time passed by.

After Ace finished the last stance, Roddy excitedly called Olvan and Mink and told them about Ace.

After a minute both of them were seen coming over and directly asked Roddy, " You are not pulling our legs are you ? does that kid really have the Legendary Martial Talent? "

" I am not kidding, That kid really practiced those 10 Stances to perfection in an hour, I don't know what to call that if not The Legendary Martial Talent "

< Hahaha...These ignorant fools, Even as a System i can't stop laughing. i bet they must be talking about other system users who can instantly practice these Techniques to perfection using Exp. But since The Existence of System is a secret these fools named it Legendary Martial Talent >

Ace was speechless.

At this time Mink came and gave him a Mana Stone, " Here, Use this to increase your Level "

< Do you want to Absorb this Mid-Grade Mana stone and gain 1000 Exp >

Ace declined without a thought. He didn't want to reveal that he had a System. Even if these fools don't know, That doesn't mean that if news of him having The Legendary Martial Talent reached the other universe, there might be some people who know the secret and other System Users would also pay attention to him which will be troublesome for him.

So Ace used Normal way to increase his Level which was to simply Absorb Mana and slowly breaking through to limit and reach next level.

Seeing that Ace didn't Level up instantly Mink took back the Mana Stone and said, " This kid seems to have only Half of the Legendary Martial Talent, He learns fast but his Mana Absorbing speed is not as good as those described in rumors.

Afterwards Both Mink and Olvan taught him various knowledge about Superpowers and Soul-Spirits which he already knew about from System.

They also forced Ace to use his Soul-spirit's Specialty using Obey Orders as Excuses.

Eijar could turn it's surounding matter into magma tho that little bit of magma was of no use right now but once Eijar grows up, It could turn into an Devastating area attack.

Ruddium's Speciality: Absolute Defense turned out to be very strong Defensive Power, It could toughen itself up to increase his defense severel times and also creat a Barrier around Ace to protect him from Various Energy Attacks, Even Psychic Attack could be blocked by the Barrier.

Afterward, Roddy took Ace to his new home, Which was a Quarter in the Main Spaceship.

Ace was excited hearing this as now he can finally make preparations to screw these Pirates over.

He would also start Leveling up as he had quite a bit of EXP left.