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Soul-spirit center & Guild Hall

Ace was currently in his house ready to enter the Virtual Universe to pick a mission or a task.

Ace infused his mind power into his badge as he lay on his bed and closed his eyes.


A big square was in the middle and 5 roads were connected to the square. people could be seen walking on each road and talking to each other on the square.

Suddenly a boy appeared out of nowhere. People were not surprised as they took it as a normal occurrence.

Ace looked around and was surprised, " This...looks so real. "

The system spoke, " Haha, This is the Virtual universe, not reality, Here you won't die even if you are killed so people often come here to spar with each other and practice their skills. Although you can't make breakthroughs and gain comprehension because you already know that you won't die, Still People can practice their various skills here and increase their proficiency. "

Ace nodded and asked, " So where can I accept missions and tasks? "

" How would I know? Ask someone here " The system answered with a snort.

Ace looked around and walked towards two men who were talking to each other.

" Hello misters, can you tell me where can I accept the missions and tasks? " Ace asked politely.

Two men turned their heads towards Ace as one of them spoke, " Little bro, Seems like you're new to the organization. Do you see that 3rd Road? Keep walking and you will arrive at a big building, That big building is the Guild Hall where you can accept missions and tasks. "

" Thank you very much. " Ace nodded and thanked the guy before moving towards the road.

On the way, Ace saw a few stores.

Ace saw a particular store with the name, Soul-Spirit Center which captured his curiosity, and entered the store. The store was very big, Just like Big complex building on the earth.

" Welcome Sir, Our Soul Spirit Center is one of the best in this area. Hope we can meet your expectations. " A lady greeted him as he entered the store.

" ahh, It is my first time here, so I don't know much about how things work and what this store sells " Ace scratched the back of his head as he replied awkwardly.

" No need to be so troubled. " The lady smiled and continued, " Let me do a simple introduction to our store. Our Store sells various kinds of materials that can help Soul spirit evolves faster then just eating Mana stones, We can also synthesize Two different soul spirit if their compatibility is 50% or higher. But we will not be responsible if the synthesize is not successful as a failed synthesize will make both soul spirits disappear. You can also check the potential of your Soul-Spirit here. "

Ace was greatly surprised to hear what the lady said but also confused about one thing so he asked, " But we are in a Virtual universe, Can we summon our Soul-Spirit here? "

The lady smiled and spoke," Looks like Sir is truly new here, The Charm of the Soul-Spirit is that They can be summoned in the Virtual World, They are a unique entity which resides in your consciousness, and as your consciousness is in the Virtual World, They can be summoned here. "

Ace tried to summoned Eijar and it was successfully summoned after which he spoke to the lady, " I want to check the potential of my Soul spirit "

" This way, please. " The lady brought Ace to the 2nd floor of the store. This floor contained several big glass chamber.

They both arrived before a glass chamber and the lady told something to one of the men who sat on the chair facing some display machine beside the glass chamber.

After which the chamber opened and Ace put his Soul-Spirit Eijar into the chamber as told by the lady.

The man pressed some buttons but nothing happened.

Ace asked the lady about something which was bugging him, " Although Soul Spirits can exist in the Virtual Universe, These machines and things in the store are virtual, it means they are just codes and functions, So how can you sell things and check potentially? or even Synthesize two soul spirits? "

The Lady once again smiled and explained, " Sir, You are indeed right. The things we sell are for display, The real materials exist in our main store which is in the real world, But you can make a purchase here and we can then deliver the item to your location, There are two ways to deliver the items, First is that we have to travel to your location which will cost you Mana stones depending on the distance. The second way is to directly transport the item to your location trough a transport machine, But you also need to have a transport machine at your location, The transport machine is like a small portal, we can deliver the item to your location if we have the coordinates of your transport machine. "

Ace nodded as the lady continued, " As for how do we gauge the potential of the soul-spirit, it's also rather simple, These glass containers are not simply codes, They are a matrix of mind power, and this matrix is connected to another same matrix in the real world, So the soul spirit can be transported to the real world through this matrix, The real test is conducted there. Your spirit will similarly disappear in the next 3 minutes."

" oh...." Ace was rather shocked that even something like this was possible, " So that means when synthesizing, You will also similarly transport two soul spirits in the real world and conduct your synthesize process there. "

" Correct Sir. Of course, you can also head to our main store in the real world, Most people prefer to conduct things like these there. "

Suddenly Ace remembered something important and asked hurriedly, " What is the cost of checking the potential of the spirit? "

" Sir, It will cost 10 High-Grade Mana stones. " The Lady smiled and answered.

Before he could say that he doesn't want to conduct potential testing, His soul spirit disappeared.

' Damn...I'm so stupid ' Ace cursed himself frustratedly.

" Um...I don't have any mana stones, but I got some Credits of Hidden Silver, Will that work? " Ace nervously asked the lady.

The Lady appeared surprised for a brief moment before putting on a professional smile and said, " Certainly Sir. That will be 10 Credit points if we convert High-Grade mana stones into Credits Points. "

Ace sighed a relief internally. But he doesn't know that he had just made a losing deal.

The newbies wouldn't have any Credits points at all, They would have to earn themselves by completing missions and tasks. Ace thought everyone gets 100 credit points upon joining but it's not true, Those 100 credit points were transferred into his badge by Zorkiel but he didn't mention it to Ace or maybe he forgot.

Ace waited for 5 more minutes before his soul spirit came back.

" Sir, Your Soul Spirit's potential is B Grade, It's Attribute is Fire + Earth which is magma. We have materials to evolve your Soul-Spirit in our store. Would you like to purchase them? " The Lady reported the potential of his spirit and asked.

" No Thank you, For now, This is enough. " Ace politely rejected.

The Lady smiled and said, " Thank you for your patronage, please come downstairs to settle the bill. "

Both Ace and the lady came downstairs, then Ace scanned his badge on the machine and 10 credit points were withdrawn from his badge.

Afterward, Ace continued on the road and finally reached the Guild Hall.

The Guildhall was very big as expected, There were a lot of people in the hall.

Ace arrived at the reception and spoke, " Hello, I want to accept a Grade-D mission or a task, Can I look at the list? "

The lady behind the reception gave Ace a small round like thing and spoke with a smile, " pinch this ball to see the list of missions and tasks of Grade-D, You can only select one mission or one task at a time, After you have selected please come back here so that I can assign your name into that task or mission. "

Ace nodded and asked something he was bothered about the longest, " What is the difference between tasks and missions? "

The reception lady answered, " The missions have additional rewards but low credit points because they are assigned by Other people, These people may not be part of the organization. Of course, People of the organization can also post a mission " The lady paused for a second before continuing, " On the other hand, Tasks are assigned by The organization as a whole, They give a high amount of Credit points but low additional rewards, some tasks only give credit points and The Fixed reward for both Missions and Tasks is the entry into Ancient Trials. "

Ace nodded and asked one more thing, " Can I convert my Credit Points into high-grade Mana stones? "

" Of course, 1 Credit points equal to 2 high-grade mana stones. " The lady answered with a smile and continued albeit with some seriousness in the voice, " but I advise sir to not convert Credit Points into Mana stones because The Value of Credit points is higher than Mana stones. "

Ace was stunned and said anxiously, " This...When I was coming here, I went to the shop to check the potential of my Soul spirit and the lady there took 10 credit points for 10 high-grade mana stones. "

The lady behind the reception was stunned for a few seconds and then spoke as she shook her head, " You truly made a mistake there, Never use Credit points in place of Mana-stones, Only the guild hall's conversion rate is 1:2 but other shops of hidden Silver have a conversion ratio of 1:1. Even so, I advise you to not convert credit points into Mana-stones unless you have necessary, You can get all kinds of resources using Credit points and some things can only be brought with credit points in Hidden Silver. "

Ace could only sigh at this and walked away, He stopped at a corner in the hall and pinched the ball.

Suddenly a hologram appeared in front of him which displayed various Missions and tasks.