1) Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
2) Just because my path is different doesn't mean I'm lost.
3) Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.
4) Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself…"
5) Sometimes you just can't tell someone how you feel, you can never really find the right words to make them understand.
6) The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.
7) Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.
8) Just because you are right does not mean, I am wrong. You just haven't seen life from my side.
9) You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong.
10) One day or day one. You decide.
11) Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak.
12) You can't start the next chapter of your life life if you keep re-reading the last one.
13) Don't underestimate me. I know more than I say. Think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.
14) Stars can't shine without darkness.
15) Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry and don't decide when you're sad.
16) If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done.
17) Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.
18) I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you.
19) Don't ask why someone keeps hurting you. Ask why you keep letting them.
20) I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception.
21) Storms don't last forever.
22) Change nothing and nothing changes.
23) You're a diamond. They can't break you.
24) Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.
25) Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
26) I'm not weird. I am limited edition.
27 ) It hurt because it mattered.
28) You were born an original, don't die a copy.
29) Do what is right, not what is easy.
30) Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
31) Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right.
32) If it doesn't open… it's not your door.
33) How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
34) Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
35) True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart.
36) It always seems impossible until it is done.
37) It is okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes we have to break before we shine.
38) Chin up princess or the crown slips.
39) When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.
40) Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.
41) Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.
42) Practice like you've never won. Perform like you've never lost.
43) Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.
44) Not everyone likes me, but not everyone matters.
45) Be a pineapple: Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.
46) Be careful with your words, they can only be forgiven not forgotten.
47) Don't call it a dream. Call it a goal.
48) BElieve in YOUrself
49) Fill your life with adventures not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show
50) New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
51) You should never regret anything in life. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.
52) Breathe. It's just a bad day, not a bad life.
53) Keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word.
54) I was quiet but I was not blind.
55) No one is sent by accident to anyone.
56) When it rains look for rainbows. When it's dark look for stars.
57) Don't complain about things you're not willing to change.
58) She was a princess with the strength of a warrior.
59) If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
60) If "Plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters.
61) Better an oops than a what if.
62) You will never have this day again. So make it count.
63) Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
64) Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to god.
65) Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
66) Forget the mistake. Remember the lesson
67) Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you imagined.
68) I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.
69) A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
70) Embrace the glorious mess that you are.
71) Believe you can and you're halfway there.
72) All of life is peak and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.
73) There are people who would love to have your bad days.
74) Success is a science;if you have the conditions, you get the result.
75) It's not the future that you're afraid of. It's repeating the past that makes you anxious.
76) A ship is always safe at shore but that is not what it's built for.
77) Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.
78) If I could go back to the day we met, I'm sorry, but I'd turn around and walk the other way.
79) LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same letters.
80) In the end, we only regret the changes we didn't take.
81) Worrying is like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain.
82) Stop asking me to trust you while I'm still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown.
83) Nothing can dim the light that shines from within
84) It is ok to have a life others do not understand.
85) Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky
86) Whatever you decide to do. Make sure it makes you happy.
87) Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
88) The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place after watching them fall apart for so long.
89) With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.
90) No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart
91) Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.
92) 1 year =365 opportunities
93) No rain, no flowers
94) Wrinkles mean you laughed, grey hair means you cared and scars means you lived.
95) A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch.
96) Never forget 3 types of people in your life: 1. Who helped you in your difficult times. 2. Who left you in your difficult times. 3. Who put you in difficult times.
97) Once upon a time you were a little girl with big dreams that you promised you'd make real one day. Don't disappoint yourself.
98) Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
99) It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.
100) Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.
101) Don't count the days, make the days count.
102) Good, better, best. Never let it rest, 'til your good is better and your better is best.
103) Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.
104) Without rain nothing grows, learn to embrace the storms of your life.
105) Strangers think I'm quiet. My friends think I'm outgoing. My bestfriends know that I'm completely insane.
106) You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday's junk.
107) Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
108) You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I LOVE YOU.
109) If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
110) Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
111) You have to be odd to be number one.
112) If you could read my mind you would be in tears.
113) Stay positive even when it feels like your life is falling apart.
114) Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
115) Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.
116) Just because your pain is understandable, doesn't mean your behaviour is acceptable.
117) Travel not to escape life, but so life doesn't escape you.
118) Every day may not be good but there is something good in everyday.
119) I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
120) If I was meant to be controlled I would have come with a remote.
121) Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
122) The flower doesn't dream of the bee, it blossoms and the bee comes.
123) Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
124) There's a "hell" in hello, "good" in goodbye, "lie"in believe, "over" in lover, "end" in friend, and an "if" in life.
125) Never regret something that once made you smile.
126) Sometimes, I feel as useless as a white crayon.
127) We have tomorrows for a reason.
128) If my absence doesn't affect your life then my presence has no meaning it.
129) Your speed doesn't matter. Forward is forward.
130) We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
131) Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness. And everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.
132) Love me or hate me, both are in my favor… If you love me, I'll always be in your heart… If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.
133) The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell.
134) Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
135) Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything
136) Quiet people have the loudest minds.
137) You said you liked storms, so I let you in. Turns out you can only handle a little rain, and I am a hurricane.
138) I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you.
139) Confidence is not "they will like me". Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't."
140) Sometimes it's the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince.
141) Darling don't forget to fall in love with yourself first.
142) You know someone is very special to you when days just don't seem right without them.
143) One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now.
144) Protecting yourself is self-defense. Protecting others is warriorship.
145) What if i fall? Oh, my darling, what if you fly?
146) She's hurt, mentally and emotionally. But everyday, she walks with a smile, 'cause that's just who she is: The girl who never stopped smiling.
147) I don't want you to save me. I want you to stand by my side as I save myself.
148) We were born to be real, not to be perfect.
149) Fools take a knife and stab people in the back. The wise take a knife, cut the cord, and set themselves free from the fools.
150) You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don't let others make you forget that.
151) Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.
152) What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.
153) You can't change what is going on around you until you start changing what is going on within you
154) Old ways won't open new doors
155) Give. But don't allow yourself to be used. Love. But don't allow your heart to be abused. Trust. But don't be naive. Listen. But don't lose your own voice.
156) Fall seven times, stand up eight.
157) When you're not sure, flip a coin because while the cocin is in the air, you realize which one you're actually hoping for.
158) When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.
159) We are like a snowflake all different in our own beautiful way.
160) F.E.A.R has two meanings: Forget everything and run or face everything and rise. The choice is yours.
161) Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. Develop from the negatives. And if things don't work out take another shot.
162) Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.
163) Flawsome: an individual who embrace their "flaws" and knows they are awesome regardless.
164) Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute.
165) Thank you for being my unbiological sister
166) A life is made up of a great number of small incidents and a small number of great one.
167) You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.
168) Memories take us back, dreams take us forward.
169) If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
170) Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
171) I want to be like a sunflower; so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.
172) Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
173) The first person who's on your mind on the moment you open your eyes after a long sleep is the reason either of your happiness or pain.
174) My best friends are like fairytales they've been there since once upon a time and will be there until forever after.
175) Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.
176) When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
177) Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.
178) If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.
179) Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
180) If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.
181) Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring. So I go back to being me.
182) Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.
183) I'm tired of fighting. For once, I want to be fought for.
184) Everybody is a genius. But if you judge is a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that that it is stupid.
185) Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
186) When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take a second to say, but for them it could last a lifetime.
187) Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported.
188) Even if I spent the whole day with you. I will miss you the second you leave.
189) If you ever feel that you are no longer important to someone… then leave their life silently.
190) I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
191) Everyday is a second chance.
192) H.O.P.E. hold on, pain ends
193) Physically I am here. Mentally I am far, far away.
194) Mistakes are proof that you are trying
195) Life is like an elevator: on your way up, sometimes, you have to stop and let some people off.
196) I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.
197) Remember that life's greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.
198) Friends are medicine for a wounded heart, and vitamins for a hopeful soul.
199) There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better.
200) The most beautiful discovery true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
201) Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them.
202) A good friend knows all your best stories, a bestfriend has lived them with you.
203) A true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and finally loves you more than a lover.
204) Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there.
205) You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you want to feel.
206) I gave you 10$, he gave you 20$. You felt that he was better just because he gave you more. But he had 200$, and all I had was 10$.
207) Don't trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar.
208) That's the problem with being the strong one. No one offers you a hand.
209) Everybody has a chapter they don't want to read out loud.
210) We're all in the same game: just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils.
211) Draw a monster. Why is it a monster?
212) Normal is just an illusion. What's normal to the spider is chaos for the fly.
213) It takes a lot of truth to gain trust, bt just one lie to lose it all.
214) I was your cure, and you were my disease. I was saving you, but you were killing me.
215) It's so strange that autumn is so beautiful; yet everything is dying.
216) For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book.
217) They say "follow your heart" but if your heart is in a million pieces which piece do you follow.
218) Hearts are wild creatures, that's why our ribs are cages.
219) Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back.
220) The words didn't hurt me. The person who said them did.
221) Even a white rose has a black shadow.
222) And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?
223) Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off.
224) I will remember and recover, not forgive and forget.
225) Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone's life, but why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour.
226) Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea. But do you have any idea how deep that stone can go?
227) Grab a plate and throw it on the ground. -Okay done. Did it break? -yes. Now say sorry to it. -Sorry. Did it go back to the way it was before? -No. Do you understand?
228) Inhale courage. Exhale fear
229) Everything is nothing with a twist.
230) Just because I don't start the conversation, doesn't mean I'm not dying to speak to you.
231) The worst feeling ever is when you're crying in silence because you don't want anyone to know you are.
232) When you're happy you enjoy the music. When you're sad you understand the lyrics.
233) She's broken because she believed
234) Cause I'm a dream and you're the dream
235) Life can only be understood backwards;but it must be lived forwards.
236) Honestly, I feel really stupid for holding onto things that just keep on hurting me.
237) Never let people get to you. They can only pull the trigger if you hand them the gun
238) The limit is not in the sky. The limit is in the mind.
239) Hard times will always reveal true friends.
240) A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
241) That's the problem with putting others first; you've taught them you come second.
242) If it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes getting angry about it.
243) Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home.
244) I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me.
245) People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.
246) Life's a journey not a race.
247) Having a soulmate is not always about love. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too.
248) Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it's beautiful to love the ordinary.
249) I will not be another flower, picked from my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget.
250) Life is all about how you handle plan B.
251) Your past mistakes are meant to guide you not define you.
252) A meaningful silence is always better than a meaningless words.
253) Silence isn't empty it's full of answers.
254) Distance doesn't separate people, silence does.
255) Silence is the most powerful scream.
256) Silence doesn't always mean "Yes". Sometimes it means, "I'm tired of explaining to people who don't even care to understand.
257) 1 universe, 9 planets, 204 countries =, 809 islands, 7 seas and I had the privilege of meeting you.
258) Best friends are the people you can do anything and nothing with and still have the best time.
259) Just remember if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English.
260) If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug,I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile… But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
261) A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.
262) God made us best friends because he knew our Moms couldn't handle us as sisters.
263) You're my Nemo. If you get lost in the great, big ocean, I'll find you.
264) A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing.
265) Pain is real. But so is hope.
266) At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.
267) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
268) Sometimes, it's not the person you miss. It's the feeling you had when you were with them
269) Words are sharp as knives and can kill as easily. Be careful how you use them.
270) The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
271) Not all those who wander are lost
272) Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
273) Strong people stand up for themselves. But the strongest people stand up for others.
274) There is no such thing as failure, only learning experiences.
275) It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
276) Everything you can imagine is real.
277) No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
278) To the world you are one person. But to one person, you may be the world
279) Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
280) Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
281) Just be who you want to be, not what others want to see.
282) I've learned that life is like a book. Sometimes we must close a chapter and begin the next one.
283) Life moves forward, if you keep looking back, you won't be able to see where you're going.
284) You can't have a rainbow without a little bit of rain.
285) If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
286) You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
287) When it's dark be the one who turns on the light.
288) We all have the same roots, and we are all branches of the same tree.
289) Don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.
290) Keep smiling, and one day life will get tired of upsetting you.
291) Kindness can spread from person to person like glitter.
292) Enjoy the little things in life for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.
293) The bravest thing I have ever done was continuing to live when I wanted to die.
294) I'm busy saving everybody else when I can't even save myself.
295) The things you take for granted someone else is praying for.
296) Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.
297) There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
298) Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.
299) Don't call it a dream, call it a plan
300) Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have look a little harder.
301) The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
301) Before Alice got to Wonderland she had to fall.
302) Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.
304) We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don't believe in miracles?
305) The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
306) Hope is the only thing stronger than fear
307) Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value.
308) A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms.
309) I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
310) Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.
311) To be the best you must be able to handle the worst.
312) We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
313) You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
314) Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
315) You only live once but if you do it right once is enough
316) A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but its persistence
317) Wear your tragedies as armor, not shackles
318) The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.
319) Sometimes you need to burn bridges to stop yourself from crossing them again.
320) Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.
321) I never lose. Either I win or I learn.
322) Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself.
323) Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.
324) It's not the future that you're afraid of. It's repeating the past that makes you anxious.
325) Don't look back you're not going that way.
326) Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason.
327) Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.
328) Enjoy these moments now because they don't last forever.
329) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
330) If today is the worst day of your life then you know tomorrow will be better.
331) The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.
332) Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't do.
333) Soon when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up.
334) Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.
335) Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.
336) Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles
337) Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.
338) We are all a little broken, but the last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same.
339) You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
340) You only live once? False. You live everyday. You only die once.
341) A ship in port is safe but that's not what ships are built for.
342) You'd be surprised how often "What if" works
343) Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer
344) Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
345) For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
346) Faith is like wifi. It's invisible but it has the power to connect you to what you need.
347) Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
348) Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect.
349) Travel is not leaving our homes, but leaving our habits.
350) The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs… one step at a time.
351) Everytime you get upset at something, ask yourself if you were to die tomorrow, was it worth wasting your time being angry?
352) Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal
353) I am thankful for all those difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be.
354) Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else
355) Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.
356) Pain makes you stronger. Tears make you brave. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
357) Don't judge my path if you haven't my journey
358) We are all broken. That's how the light gets in.
359) Push yourself because, no one else is going to do it for you.
360) Not everyone has to like you. Not everyone has good taste.
361) Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.
362) I didn't come this far to only come this far.
363) Either you run the day, or the day runs you.
364) The problem is not the problem : the problem is your attitude about the problem
365) No matter what people think of you, always keep singing your own song.