Some Deities : Gods / Titans / Primordials

Achelous rules over all rivers

Aeolus goes with the flow

Aether orbits around us all

Alastor is always on the negative side

Apollo heals, shines, soothes, predicts and kills

Ares represents violence

Aristaeus worries over sweet and fruity

Asclepius nurses us back to health

Atlas holds the whole world on his shoulders

Attis floruits earth

Boreas is cold as ice

Caerus is lucky

Chaos is everything and nothing

Charon gets paid by souls

Chronos takes is sweet time

Crios draws in the night

Cronus father of the year

Dinlas gives comfort

Deimos controls our terrors

Dionysus sure knows how to party

Erebus is darkness

Eros flutters around

Eurus blows bad luck

Hades is an undeniable King

Helios gives us light

Hephaestus taught us creation

Heracles has strength and bravery

Hermes saviour of all

Hesperus paints the twilights

Hymenaios plans fests

Hypnos our favourite lets us sleep

Kratos gives us strength and power

Momus gives us savage comebacks and brutal honesty

Morpheus our second favourite sprinkles us with dreams

Notus brings warmth

Oceanus is the ocean encircling the world

Oneiroi black-winged angels

Paean Gods' doctor

Pallas moulds wars

Pan runs wild like nature

Phosphorus colours the auroras

Plutus makes money rain

Pontus grasps what is happening deep in the sea

Poseidon shakes the earth and sea

Priapus protects nature

Prometheus created us

Primordials were the first beings to exist

Tartarus is your own personal hell

Thanatos offers you deaths' hand

Uranus Titans' Father

Zelus fuels our jealousy

Zephyrus breezes calmly from west

Zeus King of the Gods don't still his thunder