You used to be shy and quiet
I created a monster
But hey that's why we're friends
Sucks to be you cause I'm not going anywhere
Can't shake me love
You're stuck with me
I'll never give up on you
Hold you tall
Push you forwards
But will laugh if you fall
And fall after
Elephants and pigs are our spirit animals
I'll wash your piggies and steal your elephants
New book ?
Oh you know me so well
I'm not even surprised anymore about your IQ
You can write a test sleeping and still have a higher score than me
But I still love you
We have history
Literally and mentally
From mythology and weird names
To battles and dates
Via Skype and robotic voice
At school and other countries
Working alone or alone making weird noise
Saying weird things and laughing over everything
Too many inside jokes sad and happy
Eye messages loving it
GIFs stories laughing out loud
Rolling down hills that's our thing
Eating too much marshmallows our hobby
Through easy and hard times
Through mud and sand
Sharing a plate
Splitting the bill
Forcing me too eat ice cream
And bathroom trips
Broken friendships and new found ones
Together through thick and thin
We know each other like the back of our hand
Music is our language
Just look at me
And you already know how I feel