Let's Get Them Back

"Jakey, get out of the room. It's been a week." Elena spoke from the other side of the room, knocking incessantly.

"No. I won't!" I screamed into my pillow, hence the muffled sounds.

I sound like a girl, I know. Crying because her boyfriend broke up with her.

No offense, girls!

But it hurt. I didn't know I was capable of feeling that, knowing I never had real friends in my life. But everything we six shared- it felt real. A little bit at least. The time we shared was something I'll cherish. Breaking up with friends hurt more than anything and I wasn't in the mood to go to school or study or do anything in particular.

Just shut my door and lie on my bed and sleep for eternity.


"Leave me alone, Elena."

She walked in, quietly placing herself on my bed and played with my hair. That's what my sister was like. Every time I told her to leave me alone for moments, she would just welcome herself in my room and play with my hair, messing it even more than it was already.

"You know, 'Leave me alone' means 'come here, I need you to stay'."

I laughed, not the usual one though. The empty one. "Elena, why is life so hard? Why does everything you want in life suddenly become out of reach?"

She raised an eyebrow. "You're asking a ten-year-old?"

I lied on my back, smirking. "You're way too old to be called a ten-year-old, you know."

She retorted. "And you're way too young to be shedding tears."

I hadn't realized I was crying until I touched the corners of my eyes and felt moisture. Why did it have to hurt so bad? Why did I, all of a sudden, grew feelings and emotions? Why didn't things be like before? Why?

I met people who made me realize I was more than just an 'accident'.

I was human.

A few flashbacks flashed in front of my eyes. Jeff making jokes and Cady rolling her eyes. Mia bossing around and Alex looking bored as usual or teasing me and Emma trying to bring everyone back to the topic. Oh, How I missed all of it!

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" She poked my belly.

"I don't know. Can I even make things right? It's happened because of me. I thought people will stop. They got jealous and started doing it, even more, started feeling it was a charade."

She stared at me for seconds. "You know, we never got to celebrate your birthday properly."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is...do you want them in your life?"

"Is that even a question?" I paused for a split second. "Of course! I just don't know how to. Also, what does it have to do with my birthday?"

She smiled. "Nothing, really. I just remembered. And, if you want them, go get them."

"Easier said than done," I muttered under my breath.

She smirked, hearing my muttering. "I may or may not how to."


"Not gonna work." I shook my head.

"It will. Trust your sis." She handed me the microphone.

"I can't sing."

She retorted. "And I hear a male ghost's voice in the showers."

She widened her eyes, mocking me. "We have a ghost!"

We were at our school's parking lot, deciding on her 'idea' on getting my friends back. It was, to say the least, the weirdest way to get them back. But I didn't have any better options, now did I?

She decided to come over to make sure I didn't chicken out at the last minute- which I was doing by the way.

"No one sings and gets someone back, you know. It's too cheesy and movie-like."

She retorted. "I've done it. It works."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're impossible."

"Thank you. Now, leave."

Well, singing wasn't the only thing I'd do. There'd be a crowd and I'd give a speech and reveal the fact that even if our school said that there was no bullying going on here, it wasn't the fact. I'd stop people from accusing Alex and do what a real, true friend would do.

Back 'em up.

Because you've got a friend in me.