012 | without a word

"I wonder if that's true?" Girl E asked Girl F the moment she witnessed the situation between Natasha and Baker.

"As far as I know, Mister Cinnamon doesn't have a girlfriend, right?" Girl F responded.

"We don't know that for sure," Girl G pointed out. "Yes, we do know Mister Cinnamon doesn't have a girlfriend... but are we certain that is the truth?"

Girl E agreed that Girl G had a point. "Not that I can dispute with that."

Natasha saw that there were students of Jones who witnessed the situation between her and Baker. She couldn't hear what those students were talking about, but it was only logical to think that those students were talking about her and Baker.

It was clear to her that Baker didn't care if those students assumed that she was the girlfriend of Baker, so it wasn't a loss for him.

She didn't want to attract any attention from the eyes and lips of those students because it made her unpleasant, making her recall a terrible past once again. She decided to left without a word.

Baker thought that she would retort or slap him on the face or something for being a jerk as her comeback, but it turned out that wasn't the case which surprised him utterly. He couldn't read what was in her mind, but he concluded that she didn't want to involve herself further with him.

He could hear his other schoolmates talking about it, but he paid no heed to those pointless talks.

Her mind hadn't change that Baker was the wrong one to tell a lie and he needed to apologize to her, but she thought that perhaps it was much wiser to forget it or else the situation once more would turn for worse.

She didn't want to go home yet or else Bryan or Diana would know if she was in deep thought. She wouldn't like to be asked relentlessly, so she decided to refresh her mind first before going home.

If she wanted to refresh her mind, her best pick was to go to the park that was just near her home.

She sat down on the swing and then started to move it at a slow pace. She saw another strawberry milk candy in front of her, she blinked three times before looking above who was it. As she suspected, it was Leon.

She smiled. "For me, Leon?"

Leon nodded. "You look sad, Sis Natasha. So I'm giving it to make you happy."

Somehow she felt a handful of delight once she understood that Leon wanted to make her smile. "You succeeded, Leon."

Leon held her left hand and then placed the candy on her palm. "It took you long enough to accept it. So I decided to use force, Sis Natasha."

Leon made her burst a laugh. "Thank you for making me happy, Leon. Somehow I need to make you happy as well if you're down. It's unfair of me not to return the favor."

Leon was glad to hear that. "I'm waiting for that day, Sis Natasha."

She stood up from the swing with her right clenched fist in the air. "I can do this!" And then she patted the head of Leon. "You're a nice boy, Leon."

Leon couldn't stop his giggle. "It's nice to hear that from you, Sis Natasha."

"Leon!" Leon heard his mother calling for him, so he had to go.

"Sorry that I couldn't stay beside you for that long, Sis Natasha," Leon wanted to stay for a bit longer.

She shook her head. "Cheering me is already enough, Leon. Please head back safely."

She and Leon waved goodbye at each other.

She forgot to ask where did Leon live, but the time was short. She would ask him when she had a chance again.

It was her time to go back home, so she started to walk in order to reach her home. It took her four minutes to arrive.

She rang the doorbell three times, but no one was opening the door for her. She assumed that Bryan and Diana weren't home yet. She had spare keys, so she would use that to open the door of her home.

She wanted to take a nap, but she had things that she must do first. She must prepare food for her parents and must answer her school assignments.

It was better for her to prepare food first since it might be too late if her mother was the first one to arrive than her father. She still wanted to survive life. And besides, she wouldn't let them do the task since her parents were probably exhausted from work.

She checked first the fridge for there were available ingredients. She had a chance to cook her favorite soup, corn soup. She hoped that this soup would make her parents feel better after having an exhausting day.