028 | with magicalsinalice

Natasha stretched her arms once she was done reading the social studies book. She decided to rest, so she closed the book. She didn't want to forget or arrange the things inside her backpack, so it was better to put the book back inside her backpack.

She was thinking of grabbing something to eat downstairs as her snack when her phone all of sudden vibrated. She held her phone to see who was calling. She confirmed that it was Cassie, so she would answer it.

"Hey, Nat," Cassie greeted.

"What's up, Cass?" Natasha wondered if Cassie called to chat or tell some surprise.

"I've discovered a newly opened Starbucks," Cassie looked at the flyer that she received when she was on her way back home. "I was wondering if you're good to go tomorrow, after school?"

"A newly opened Starbucks?" Natasha recalled that there was a construction of a facility when she passed it by whenever she had a road trip with her parents. She didn't realize that it was done. She had no idea if there were a lot of assignments to do for tomorrow, but she was curious and she was confident that she would finish her assignments. "Sure, I'd like to."

"Sweet!" Cassie expected Natasha wouldn't want to go since she knew how Natasha was keen about studies. She wanted to talk for a little bit longer, but she couldn't. "I'll hang up this call because I need to finish, you know, school works."

"Okay," Natasha didn't mind if their conversation went short. "But I bet you'll finish that because if you don't, you'll get into trouble."

Cassie chuckled. "True," she might not be someone like Natasha when it came to studies, but she didn't want to get a low grade at least. "I'll see you tomorrow, after school!"

She descended the stairs and then went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge to see if there was a snack to eat, but she found none. Shortly after, she closed the fridge.

She saw the cookie jar where the baked cookies of Diana were placed. She didn't want to upset her stomach, so she wouldn't eat those as much as she wanted to eat some snacks. She decided to drink a glass of water, so she held her mug and then filled it with water.

Her phone vibrated, so she unlocked it while she was drinking her water. She saw that someone emailed, so she went to tap the Gmail app. She almost spitted what she drank when she saw the contents of the email.

"Congratulations, Natasha Lee! You're one of the lucky subscribers who got chosen to play Among Us with me! Please enter the code below to join me in the Private Room! It will start in five minutes!" —MagicalSinalice.

She couldn't believe she would be chosen. She pinched herself if this was a dream, but it wasn't. She didn't think she had a chance to play with her favorite YouTuber since she knew she had terrible luck. It almost slipped in her mind if not for the email reminding her.

She ascended the stairs to get back to her room. She didn't want to play on her phone since she had a hard time controlling the character, so she would play on her personal computer.

Her phone vibrated, so she looked at what was it about. She saw that Liam was calling her. She accepted his call and tapped the speaker on.

"Hello, Liam," she was the first one to greet while her eyes were glued on the screen of her personal computer.

"I got an email about MagicalSinalice," Liam was looking at the email he received.

Liam recalled how Natasha insisted him to participate in the event since she wanted to play with him, so he did, and didn't expect to win.

She was surprised that Liam won too. "You as well!? Yay! I have someone I know at least!"

"Since the game will start after a few seconds, I'm going to end the call, Natasha," Liam notified.

"Sounds fine to me, Liam," she didn't mind if he did since both of them should stay quiet in this game.

It didn't take long until the game started.

Natasha was a crewmate. She started to do the tasks that were required to finish in order to escape. She went to the admin to do the card swipe task.

Liam was an impostor along with MagicalSinalice. He didn't expect to get that role since it was the first game. He didn't want to be an impostor since he found it a burdensome role.

MagicalSinalice sabotaged the lights. Liam went to the med-bay and then vented to go to the electrical. He saw someone, so he used this opportunity to kill.

He panicked when Natasha went near to the vent. She saw a dead body, so she reported it. She defended herself that it wasn't a self-report, but everyone suspected her since the electrical lights weren't back and it was impossible to see a dead body.

Natasha suspected that Liam was an impostor since his alibi stated that he was in the med-bay doing his task, but it was still possible that he vented and killed someone. She couldn't believe how the discussion turned out.

She saw "Natasha was not An Impostor. 2 Impostors remain" at her personal computer screen.