Chapter 3: Divine Darkness Body

January 1 Year 2020

Caizher opened his 'eyes' but to his surprise, he can see 360° around him. And it was wrong to say that he opened his eyes as he doesn't have any eyes at all. However, Caizher can still magically see inside him and the world around him without eyes

His vision's range was the same as normal humans aside that he can see 360° around his body. Speaking of his body, Caizher inspected what he is now after he regained his senses and remembered what happened

The powerful eye destroyed his body and gave him a new one. He was reduced into a mass of darkness without any definite shape. But he knew to himself that this new body is more powerful than his human body

He didn't go into a panic that he loses his human body. For Caizher, the only thing that matters is he can become strong and fight more powerful opponent! Being a human or not doesn't matter

Caizher sorted out the information given to him on his head. It contained information on how he can make himself to look like a human which is advantageous to him. In terms of intelligence, humans are the superior race on earth. He can learn a lot of things through humans

However, Caizher's thoughts were interrupted from the screams around him. He turned his focus on his surroundings and realized that he's on a familiar yet unfamiliar room

He is on his room prior to the apocalypse but after his parents turned into fallens, he abandoned it. Caizher is smart and realized that an apocalypse descended. The first thing he wants to do is to secure food and water. Thus, he decided to head outside human cities where there are lesser people. Lesser people mean lesser fallens. And the land outside developed cities are suitable for farming

Caizher heard the screams and decided to head on his window to see the state outside. But to his surprise, he moves too slowly and clumsily knocking the things along his way. Fortunately, he's only a lump of darkness, he literally passed through those objects

With much difficulty, Caizher reached his window. As his parents are mobsters, they are filthy rich. There are also a lot of maids and guards for protection. Their house is too big after all

Caizher take a peek through his window and saw chaos. There are fallens outside attacking every living creature on their vicinity. Caizher's vision then locked on a certain fallen as he was surprise to see it

It was a fallen clad in all-black clothes. He knows that person and he should not be alive. As his home has a lot of people, the number of people that turned into fallens are high too and it took a lot of effort on Caizher's part to escape

He was even injured in the process, and that certain fallen was the one that injured him before. But that fallen should be dead now as he killed it himself

A thought suddenly entered Caizher's mind as he looked at the fallen and his surroundings. "Could it be, I travelled back in time?" Caizher asked to himself in shock

Nevertheless, to fight stronger opponents, Caizher must survive! It's advantageous for him to return back when the apocalypse just started. The fallens are still weaker this time and he has more time to get use to his new body

The new body might be powerful but he's still a former human. He was used at having two arms to do things and two legs to stand on the ground. Unlike now that he is only a lump of darkness that is hovering in the air

Caizher decided to ignore things for now. He might even be weaker than his previous self as he can't still properly use his body

The man started familiarizing his self to his body. But it was actually harder than it thought. It was so hard that it took him a lot of time just to barely move. Fortunately, he has all time in the world

The servants abandoned the mansion to flee from the fallens. And fallens doesn't have any intellect, they don't know how to open a door so they won't disturb Caizher


Thus, a month pass without anything much happening to Caizher. And after a month, the man finally has some ability to fight. He also digested some information on his mind

His new body is called 'Divine Darkness Body' and as for his current race? It just said that he was the darkness itself and Caizher cursed at that. For him, it was bullshit. They should at least give it a cool name!

Just imagine that someone will ask what you are and you will say "Ah, oh? I'm a Darkness' like hell they cannot see that with his form!

It took him a month to familiarize himself a bit although Caizher trained non-stop. He's a darkness after all and he doesn't need to eat. He's quite lazy but when it comes to anything that will make him stronger, he will turn into a very hardworking man. Stronger him means having the ability to fight stronger opponents!

However, even after a month, Caizher can't still have a human form. He tried it before but it will still take a lot of time to succeed

It doesn't mean that he will become a human again. It's just that the current him is only a lump of darkness and he can control his body to have a shape and make himself to look like a human

But his essence is still of a darkness. If his limb was severed, no blood will spill and it won't affect him much. He just needs to get the severed limb to reconnect it as even after having a human form, he is still made up of darkness

Caizher controlled his body and he directly passed through the walls on his room. He is currently on the third floor but he's too lazy to use the stairs. Since he's a darkness that can float in the air, why not use it to his advantage?

Just like what he expected, Caizher slowly fell down on the ground as if he's as light as a feather. There are still some fallens outside and Caizher wants to fight them

It's been a whole month since his last fight! His imaginary fist is already inching for some good battle

The fallens didn't even felt strange at seeing a lump of darkness and directly charged at Calter's direction as soon as he entered their sight

There are currently five fallens around and Caizher is not afraid even if he's outnumbered

"Come to daddy!" Caizher said and the first fallen reached his position. The fallen used its hand to attack but to its disappointment it just passes through Caizher as if the man wasn't there in the first place

The world around the fallen changed and its surroundings turned dark. It was puzzled at why Caizher 'disappeared' not knowing that it was inside of the enemy's body

Caizher controlled his Divine Darkness Body and some of it directly entered the fallen's brain. Without a surprise, the darkness destroyed the fallen's brain causing it to die and fall on the ground

The other four fallens also reached Caizher and just like the first dumb fallen, they didn't know that they entered their enemy's body

Calter did the same trick and easily killed the other four fallens

"Heh! I'm really powerful!" Caizher said to himself. It was as if flowers bloomed around him due to how happy he is

"Having this body is not bad, if I train more, I'll become even more powerful and almost no physical attacks will work on me"

Simply say, Caizher's body is like smoke. You can use your fist to blow away the smoke but it will take a lot of effort to succeed. However, if you used a powerful enough strength, you can still succeed

It's not that Caizher's body is immune to physical attacks, but it must be powerful enough or else it won't have any effect

Caizher roamed around the mansion wanting to find more fallens. He didn't fight for a month and five fallens are not enough!

Caizher started being irritated at why only five fallens came to him. He wants more.... to fight more.... to kill more! The thought of massacring all the fallens in the world excites Caizher. If he makes a mountain from all the fallens he killed, just how high it would be? Caizher yearned for such a sight that he will surely enjoy

The man stopped on his tracks as he realized what kind of thoughts he was having. Caizher having these thoughts is not normal

Caizher suppressed the killing intent oozing from his body. It seems like having this body is like wielding a double edge sword

It made him more powerful but if he let it influence his mind too much, he might turn into a killing machine. If that happened, then what is the difference between him and the fallens?

"Damn body, be good to daddy!" Caizher cursed at his craving for death body. He suppressed his killing intent but the more he resisted, the more his body become 'itchy'

Caizher searched for more information on his mind for something that can resolve his current predicament. Fortunately, he found one

If his willpower is not enough to fully suppress the bloodlust, the best thing to do is kill

Killing someone will help his mind to return back to normal. The first outburst of the killing intent was easy for him to suppress. But now that it was a full month that he didn't fought, it was harder to resist. He can only vent out all these bloodlusts to return back to normal

"Okay, okay fine! You win!" Caizher said to his body and continued searching for more fallens. Fortunately for him, this is the apocalypse. There are millions of fallens that he can kill

If it was before the apocalypse, how can he easily kill someone? He would surely go to jail if he was caught by a camera and people will think that he is crazy

After some time, Caizher found another three fallens and he excitedly charged at them

The scene of a lump of darkness charging at fallens will make any human to pee on their pants. This time, to make his bloodlust subside faster, Caizher decided to make this battle a bloody and brutal one

Caizher controlled some of his darkness body and he made a fist out of it. However, he was still lacking in control and it looks like an ugly deformed fist. But it will do for now

Caizher threw the fist on the fallen closest to him and punched the poor creature on its abdomen. Too bad that Caizher is still new to this body and only caused some gray blood to leak out from the fallen's body

But the fallen acts as if it wasn't hurt at all and clawed at the fist. Condensing his body like this made it a bit more vulnerable to physical attacks

The fallen managed to destroy the fist that Caizher made but it only returned back into its original state. It did not cause any damage on the man at all

The other two fallens also charged at the darkness that attacked their 'comrade' but they are bound to be disappointed. Their arms just pass through the darkness

The fallens bit Caizher due to anger but it was also ineffective. Caizher ignored the fallens' attack that cannot do any harm on him and condensed another fist

The fist went to punch the fallen again and more blood leaked out from its mouth. But Caizher didn't stopped, he continuously threw a punch on the fallen

His merciless attacks caused the fallen to vomit blood that contained pieces of flesh and internal organs. Even to the normal Caizher, this sight is a bit too gory and disgusting. However, it just further excites his body

The bloodier and dirtier the fight is, the more it will be stimulated. His current state is also like a man pleasuring himself, the more the stimulus, the more it will feel good. But after shooting his 'seed' the lust will subside and the man will return back to normal