Chapter 20: Assassination

"H-hey, Caizher, don't make any trouble again!" Sheena scolded but the man just ignored her as if she was just an air

"So?" Caizher waited for an answer while his darkness inched closer to John's face. The man gulped hard and doesn't have any choice but to nod his head. "I-I'll help you!"

"That's good!" Caizher said while still having that sick smile of his and retracted his darkness

"Is there a shop here that sells things that will improve the soul or make it easier to recover from mental fatigue?"

If it was before the apocalypse, Caizher asking this would make people think that he is crazy. But after the apocalypse, it was already proven that souls existed

'If it's just this why need to threaten my life?' John complained in his mind before answering

"T-the base's research team managed to invent a potion like thing that has slight nourishing effects on the soul. B-but only those who was really integrated into the base can buy them"

By 'integrated into the base' means that the base will provide them with information and item but their freedom will be a bit restricted. They would be under the management of the base's higher-ups and the higher-ups will give them missions in return

People like Caizher will only receive the basic protection of living in the inner area without anything much. As long as he doesn't do something 'bad' the base will just let him be but the base will also not give him any preferential treatment. However, if a threat appeared, the base will count on people like Caizher for defense

'Leave it up to humans to invent new things!' This is one of the reasons why Caizher would want humans to be the dominant race in this new world

Will the mutant animals be able to do something like this? Of course not! In the present earth, only humans have such intellect and abilities

"My dead friend, John" Caizher said with a sweet voice and even put his hands on John's shoulder which made the latter to flinch

"W-what is it?" Cold sweat formed on John's forehead in fear as he can feel how cold Caizher's 'hand' is

"Can my dear friend, John buy me those potions please?" Caizher still uses that sweet tone which made John and the others feel sick

"Oy! He cannot do that!" Sheena interrupted but Caizher just looked at her with a dark expression and the woman can feel coldness all over her body

"Am I talking to you?" Caizher said with a cold voice before he turned his head back to John and his scary expression vanished

"Will my dear friend, John, buy it for me or not?" Caizher asked while putting a bit of strength on his hold on John's shoulders

'I-I really shouldn't have offended him!' John thought on his mind and deeply regretted how arrogantly he acted before

"I-I'll buy it" the man surrendered and Caizher immediately grab money from his backpack

"Here, buy as much as possible!" Caizher acted like a rich young master like he is before the apocalypse and didn't even bother asking for the price. It's like he is confident that John won't purposely make the price higher

"W-wait, i-it's just a new invention and the production is still low. But the potion is beneficial for mana users and they made a quota for each person"

'Damn base, why so stingy?' Caizher complained in his mind before he looked at Sheena and the other people with them

"Let them buy it for me too, okay? Just ask Sheena where my room is and deliver it to me bye!" Caizher then started walking away as soon as he finished what he was saying

Sheena glared at Caizher's back before stomping her feet on the ground. "T-that asshole!" Sheena said through gritted teeth


Finally, the first year of apocalypse arrived

Calter is currently inside his room and his body was in its original state. However, his darkness was visibly trembling as if he's experiencing pain

From the middle of his body, a single strand of darkness was rampaging inside. Caizher is busy stopping himself from turning crazy because of the effects of that strand of darkness while also devouring it at the same time

After some time, the strand of darkness was finally devoured by Caizher's own darkness and he started integrating it into his body

"Argh, after a whole month of training I still can only absorb one small strand of darkness at a time! Why is this so hard?!" Caizher shouted in a complaining voice

Although he progressed a bit on his Primordial Darkness Heretic Art, for him it was still too slow.

Every strand of darkness gave a substantial increase in his power but it wasn't enough!

He wants to absorb all the darkness inside the darkness pool! But it was hard and even the potion he wants before turned worthless to him. It's not like he can't use it but he doesn't know how! He doesn't have digestive organs to drink the potion

"But with the skill I learned, I might be able to take my revenge to that Bruce!" Mentioning Bruce's name filled Caizher with killing intent. That man sent a lot of mana users to kill him and he would of course give back the favor!

In this whole month, aside from general cultivation, Caizher also trained the skill that is included in his 'cultivation manual'

He managed to learn one of them and it has a useful effect even though his mastery of it was still low. His cultivation path may be hard but it is also powerful!

The other humans are practicing their skills for months but Caizher easily caught up to them after just barely learning a single skill

"Bruce asshole, prepare to die!" Caizher assumed his human form again and picked his daggers this time

In the time he spent in the base, he already learned quite a lot regarding Bruce. The man can use lightning abilities that is rare and the man is very good at it! The rumors said that Bruce's strength is steadily getting further ahead than the three that made up the 'Big Four'

However, Caizher is still confident in his skills. He won't kill the man in direct combat. Caizher will assassinate Bruce!

Besides, even if the assassination failed, as long as Caizher managed to inflict a wound on Bruce, that's enough. That will already make Caizher's success chance to rose quite a lot

With daggers on his side, Caizher went out of his room to launch his assassination attempt

As Bruce is the number one expert, he was confident in himself. Caizher thought that the man would have a lot of guards but it was actually the opposite

Bruce owned a huge mansion just for himself and the guards are only outside the mansion to prevent anyone from intruding. The inside of the mansion on the other hand only has the servants maintaining cleanliness and also doing the cooking

Bruce thinks that no one will be able to harm him and that is what Caizher will use against him!


Arriving outside Bruce's mansion, the only problem that Caizher has was how to infiltrate inside. If it's just his own body, he would easily enter but his daggers can't pass through physical objects

The daggers will be left above ground. Although Caizher wants to kill Bruce but he is quite a cautious man. In case he failed his assassination attempt and needed to fight directly, not having his daggers with him will put him at a disadvantage

Bruce is someone that focuses on lightning attacks and the man himself is powerful, Caizher needs to treat this man seriously. To be above thousands of people, how can Bruce be weak?

Caizher observed for a while and circled the mansion. To his surprise, the back of the mansion was quite unguarded.

"Heh, this Bruce is really confident in himself!" Caizher ridiculed and threw his daggers before entering the mansion's wall. After arriving at the other side, Caizher quickly caught his daggers so that it won't make any sound

Caizher then sneakily entered the mansion itself. As he was a rich young master before, a mansion like this didn't cause any change of expression on his face. He's already used to seeing and living in such an extravagant house!

The man easily avoided the maids inside the mansion but in a house this big, it was hard to find a single person. It would be easier if he just directly passed through the walls and floors but he really doesn't want to leave his daggers

'Wait!' Caizher said to himself as he thought of something. Caizher searched for a place where he can hide his daggers and saw an empty flower vase

This is the apocalypse after all, who would have the luxury to grow and buy flowers?

Without anything restricting him, Caizher happily used his body's ability to his advantage and searched everywhere without anyone noticing him

Caizher entered a big room which might possibly be the master's bedroom. But Caizher only let a small piece of his darkness to enter the room and saw a scene that he wants to remove from his mind

Bruce is currently pinning a moaning woman under him while moving his hips non-stop. Yes, Bruce is having sex in the middle of the day!

The woman below him looked both tired and satisfied at how hard Bruce was doing her

However, the man suddenly stopped as if he notices something and Caizher immediately controlled his darkness to exit the room

The woman was puzzled by this and opened her eyes "What's wrong?" The woman asked while touching the rock-hard body of Bruce

"Nothing must be my imagination" Bruce answered and continued doing her in a hard way again. This made the woman close her eyes and moans reverberated inside the room again

Caizher heaved a sigh of relief after retracting his darkness. "That man has sharp senses! No wonder he's one of humanity's top expert!" Caizher said to himself while also being amazed at Bruce

Caizher would want to get close to someone that powerful and form a good relationship. Too bad, Bruce's son offended him and he needs to kill that pair of father and son

"Now then, what to do?" Caizher started racking his brains for an idea while returning to where the vase is and retrieved his dagger

There was still the problem of his daggers unable to pass through things. If it can, then things would be easier for him. He can just attack from below and catch Bruce in surprise

Caizher thought of something and returned outside Bruce's room and knocked on the door to do what he planned

Knock knock

The knocking sounds entered the two people's ears which made them groan from annoyance

"What is it?!" Bruce asked in an annoyed tone and he was clearly pissed

"Boss, there is an emergency! A large number of fallens are attacking the base's walls! Our guards are being overwhelmed!" If one heard Caizher, they would really think that he is afraid. It's like he's a genuine man of this Bruce

"What?!" Bruce said in surprise and quickly dressed himself without caring at the woman he was fucking before

As soon as he got dressed, Bruce immediately opened the door but what met him was a flash of dark light as Caizher attacked him on sight

Bruce was shocked but he was not someone to be underestimated. He managed to move his body sideways and Caizher's dagger only made a small cut on his arm

"Bastard, how dare you!" Bruce shouted in anger and his body was covered with electric sparks while his eyes that are filled with wrath stared at Caizher

"Even if you are an assassin, don't underestimate me!" Bruce gathered lightning on his fist and was about to punch Caizher but the man smirked at him

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]"

On top of the small cut that Caizher made, a tattoo of a black skull appeared and Bruce can feel his body losing its strength and even the electric sparks on his body vanished

There are more skills provided by Caizher's cultivation manual but he chose this skill to learn first to maximize his attacks' unpredictability

It was easier to cause wounds on his enemies using daggers but it doesn't mean he can't do so by using his darkness. As long as he activated the skill, whether he used a weapon or not, the paralysis curse will still affect the enemies he wounded. Killing some enemies in one shot is hard but with this skill, even if Caizher only made a small cut, it would be enough!