Chapter 36: Back To The City

"What kind of cooperation?" The man asked in an interested tone. Any kind of help is desperately needed in times like this!

"Give me any kinds of corpse and mana stones and I'll be able to make an army that you can use to fight the fallens and monsters!" Caizher tempted. If they agreed, then it would be for the better. But if not, then it is their loss. Caizher won't care about the higher ups of this base anymore if they won't agree

Fortunately, the one that acted as the leader is very interested on Caizher's offer. This man although not as powerful as the Big Four before, but he's what you will call a 'tactician'

He became the base's brain

"Alright, but what will we pay you then?" He's quite straightforward too, showing how much he put importance on this cooperationl

"Nothing much, just mana stones, information, or the fruits of the research team's labor"

The most important are the information and the things that will be invented by the base's researcher. In fact, that is the original reason why Caizher joined the base in the first place aside from him wanting to kill Bruce

"We'll discuss things first and give you a reply" the man said but Caizher shook his head

"I'm not a patient man, I don't like waiting. It is either you give me a yes or no right now" Caizher doesn't want to wait for their reply just to get a no for an answer. That will irritate him

Although the man wants to agree on it, but he can't simply decide on things like this on his own and wished to discuss it with the others. But who would have thought that Caizher will be this impatient?

"How arrogant! We won't accept your proposition! What if this Caizher use the army he will make against us?" The same fat man from before said aggressively and it made Caizher irritated

Caizher used his mana to form a black dagger on his hand and looked at the fat man with a dark expression. "One more word from you and I'll make a cut on your face"

For Caizher, the fat man is too much of a bullshit! It was clear to see how hostile the fatty is towards him and Caizher doesn't like it

"What did you say?! How dare --!" Caizher didn't gave the fatty a chance to continue. His foot was covered by his mana and reached the fatty in a blink of an eye

However, to be one of the ten people present with a seat, this fatty is also not someone to be underestimated. His fat hand turned even bigger and he covered it with mana to block Caizher's dagger

But to his surprise, Caizher's arm elongated like an agile snake and the man really did what he said. He made an ugly scar on the fatty and the man cried out in pain

"Presumptuous!" The others who were just watching from before had a great change on their expression. No matter if they sided to the fatty or not, as long as Caizher didn't accept to become the leader, he is still not one of the higher ups. Besides, even if he is the leader, he can't act too barbaric like this

"Stop!" The acting leader shouted and prevented the others from attacking Caizher and vice versa

Caizher has a cold expression on his face as he looked at these people. "Seems like there is no room for cooperation between us. Heh.... let me see how you will defend from all of the humanity's enemy!"

After saying this, Caizher turned his back to exit the room. But of course, he still raises his guard in case they will try to attack him

"W-wait!" Anna called out to the man but Caizher ignored her and continued on his way

All the people that encountered Caizher on his way immediately gave way to him at seeing his current expression. They are afraid to incur the wrath of someone this powerful

Caizher went back to where the entrance to the dungeon is located and ignored the long line. He directly entered inside without caring how people will feel

Of course, it made the human dissatisfied but what can they do?

Caizher entered the dungeon and used his four-legged monster form to run faster. The sight of a monster looking like him with a backpack attracted a lot of attention. Some even tried to attack him thinking that he's a monster. But after speaking, those people will be afraid after knowing who he was

Arriving at his little village, his dark expression scared the humans away who were playing with the dark goblins and wolves

"Master, why are you in such a bad mood?" Shaina asked in concern

"Some ants angered me. But don't worry much about it, just ready all your things as we will exit this dungeon along with the dark goblins and wolves"

Call him overreacting but Caizher doesn't want to be in a place with a person like that fatty. Since they don't want his help then he won't care about them anymore. He doesn't like troublesome things like that. Who knows what those higher-ups will do to him?

They might even pressure him to make creatures of darkness for free in the name of being a 'hero' and being responsible for the 'security' of the weak bullshits

Caizher gave mental commands on his creatures of darkness and since they really don't own much, they were ready to depart in no time


Exiting the dungeon, the humans were shocked at seeing tens of monsters following Caizher. They almost attacked but one simple glare from Caizher stopped them

Thus, Caizher had a 'parade' of his monsters much to everyone's shock as he exited the base

The presence of monsters around him naturally alerted the base and thought that Caizher was so angered to the point that he wants to attack the base

The brain of the base decided to meet Caizher on his way but the man ignored him

"P-please give me a moment, Mr. Caizher" The brain almost pleaded and only then that Caizher and his underling stopped

"What?" Caizher asked impatiently

"What are these monsters?" The brain asked curiously while looking at the creatures of darkness. "They are my slaves that I was about to trade with the base. But now, the offer is already closed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Caizher started walking again. This filled the brain with pity. With monsters like this as an army, lesser humans would die

But of course, there is the risk that Caizher will use the monsters against the base and the brain cannot decide things immediately. However, it was better to be under a 'human' than be wipe out by foreign races, right? Too bad that humans won't think like him

"M-Mr. Caizher, please give us a few days to decide!" The brain pleaded. This army will save thousands of human lives, he doesn't want to easily let go of this chance

"Sorry, not interested!" After this, no matter how the brain talked to him, Caizher didn't give any reply again

Arriving outside the base after so many months, Caizher saw a lot of fallens and other monsters attacking the walls. Those that saw Caizher immediately attacked the man

With the help of his small army, Caizher easily defended from the enemies that tried attacking him.


After a lot of trouble and deaths, Caizher entered the big city he stayed before. The place was in a terrible situation than before. Everywhere you look, you will see rotting or fresh bodies

As of now, due to the constant fighting, Caizher only have seven dark wolves and three dark goblins. As the goblins are weaker, they become cannon fodders and received the heaviest casualties

Suddenly, two wolves and one goblin that are in front suddenly died. Their bodies were sliced but the thing is, Caizher didn't saw how his slaves died!

This made him to raise his guards to the max, even Shaina on her side went in front of him for protection

"Who it is?!" Caizher asked angrily. He's already in a bad mood yet his slaves died without him knowing how. This further infuriated him

However, no one answered and Caizher walked towards his dead slaves. No matter what, he doesn't believe that someone will be able to one shot kill him as they need to destroy all of his darkness to do that

Worst case scenario, he will just sink his whole body on the ground while abandoning all of his belongings and travel blindly

Caizher can feel mana fluctuations the more he walks closer to his dead slaves but he cannot see any enemies

However, Caizher was shocked as something sliced his darkness. This time, he finally saw what it was. Caizher saw thin blue threads made from mana in front of him, it revealed itself after he got sliced by it. Caizher decided to 'play dead' so that his attacker will reveal their self

He gave a mental command to Shaina to panic as soon as he fell down on the ground

The manhole not far away from them was opened by a woman and she laughed as soon as she saw Caizher

"Hehe, I successfully killed another victim! Too bad girl, I need to kill you personally after my traps were fully used up!" The woman said to Shaina

However, the panic looks on the ice demon vanished as she stared at their assailant coldly

Caizher's body reconnected themselves and he's good as new now. "H-how?" The woman asked in shocked. How can a person that was sliced into pieces recover? Even if this is the apocalypse, this is something too inconceivable!

"Bitch, you dared kill my slaves and even try to kill me!" Caizher took the sword on his back as he stared at their attacker

He decided to vent his anger on this woman

"Shit!" The woman cursed and immediately used her ability. "[Mana Thread Style: Thread Trap!]" The woman spread her arms and tens of mana threads covered her surroundings attaching themselves on anything they can

"Don't come closer to me!" The woman was clearly afraid as Caizher's act of being 'resurrected' caused great fear on her

"Don't think that your mana threads will be able to stop us!" Caizher sneered and used his skill too

He covered his sword with dark attributed mana and looked at the woman as if she is already dead

"[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" A dark sword light flew out from his sword and it cut all the sharp mana threads protecting the woman

The woman gritted her teeth and used another skill "[Mana Thread Style: Web Defense!]"

From her palm, a spider web looking thing formed and she used it to barely defend from Caizher's attack. However, she underestimated the man's strength and it caused a deep wound on her hand

"[Ice Style: Ice Needles!]" Shaina was angered that her master was harmed and decided to help kill this damnable woman. For Shaina, the only important person on her life is her master!

The woman gritted her teeth and was forced to make dense threads of mana to use for defending. Fortunately for her this time, Shaina's attack is an 'AoE' type and she barely defended herself from it

"You have any interesting ability, too bad, you messed with the wrong guy!" Caizher said with a bit of 'pity' and decided to try one of his skill on a real enemy. But he first gave Shaina mental command not to interfere this time

Caizher inhaled a sharp breath causing his chest to bulge. The mana inside him fused with the air causing its color to turn dark. The woman seeing this had a bad feeling

She made more dense mana threads in front of her in hope that she'll survive Caizher's attack this time. She deeply regretted offending this group of people. She shouldn't have showed herself and she wouldn't be in this dangerous situation now. If only she didn't become greedy on what possible treasure that Caizher and his team possesses

"[Darkness Style: Breath of Death!]" Caizher finished his skill and he opened his mouth. The air he intake before were turned into a deadly attack

The dark air travelled towards the woman and easily destroyed her mana threads as if they were just paper. Her eyes widened in shock before she screamed in pain as the dark winds hit her body

"AAAHHH!!!" The woman's skin dried up in a rate visible to the eyes as her life force was continuously being destroyed by Caizher's merciless attack