Chapter 39: Lizard Boss

The dark ball turned into a beam of light that advanced towards the lizard boss. Then lizard boss then slammed his trident on the ground. A wall of water with lightning rose from the ground and it blocked Caizher's attack

The water and lightning were corrupted and turned black before dissipating into black specks of light. "AAHHH!!!" The lizard shouted loudly as it poured mana on the water wall to replenish the destroyed part

Even Caizher's attack that was fueled by his dark energies only did minimal damage to the lizard after it pierced the water and lightning wall

Some black patches appeared on the lizard but it wasn't able to spread farther as the energy behind the attack was all used up

The lizard not wanting to be in a passive situation covered its body with lightning while charging at Caizher. The lizard thrusts its trident on Caizher but the man successfully dodged this time

However, from the tip of the trident, a streak of lightning was shot and it hit the dark lizardmen behind. The lizard then died in just one hit

Caizher can't help but be amazed at this lizard boss. It was hard to determine one's strength at the Servant Rank but a Tier 3 is still a Tier 3 Servant!

Caizher used his mana coated tail to attack and the lizard used its lightning covered trident to block. This time, Caizher used his sharp claws to scratch the lizard

The lizard moved backwards to dodge but Caizher still managed to make three small scratch mark on it. This brought a smirk to Caizher

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]"

"[Darkness Style: Bleeding Curse!]"

Three black skull tattoos appeared on the lizard. Two of them were for paralyzing and the remaining one is the bleeding curse. The paralysis curse will slow down the movements of this lizard and Caizher can inflict more damage. While the bleeding curse will also affect the lizard as more times goes by

However, to Caizher's surprise, even with the three curses in place, it only has minimal effect on the lizard boss

The lizard shot three streaks of water with lightning and Caizher used his four limbs to dodge. But one of the waters still pierced Caizher's shoulder. His shoulder burst open and he immediately used his other darkness to patch the wound

Caizher looked around and because of the arrival of this lizard boss, his dark lizardmen sustained more casualties thus he decided to end this fight quickly

The man charged at the lizard before his body burst into fog of darkness enveloping his enemy inside him. Caizher then made several darkness needles and it all charged at the lizard boss

The lizard was suddenly covered by a dome of water and Caizher's darkness needles weren't able to penetrate its defense. Caizher changed his attack and this time, instead of needles, he made tentacles

The tentacles managed to penetrate the water barrier but the lizard boss destroyed some with his trident. Caizher didn't care about the loss at this moment and just continued making more tentacles

Wounds and wounds appeared on the lizard and Caizher used his paralysis curse making it harder for his enemy to move

Judging that it was enough, Caizher retracted his darkness that significantly lessened and changed into his human form

Caizher inhaled a sharp breath that caused his chest to bulge. This time, instead of using normal mana, he fueled this attack by using dark energies

The color of the air turned even darker than before and because the dark energies is of a higher level, this attack is Caizher's current strongest attack!

"[Darkness Style: Breath of Death!]" Caizher opened his mouth and the dark air finally had a place to exit

The breath of death advance at the lizard boss who wasn't able to dodge as it was inflicted with a lot of paralysis curse. It raised its trident before slamming in on the ground and a water with lightning rose

However, it was only able to defend for some time before Caizher's attack destroyed it and the dark air slammed on the lizard boss' body

The lizard flew in the air even hitting the normal lizards behind it. The breath destroyed the life force of its body causing it to look older

As this Breath of Death was fueled by dark energies, it managed to turn the normal lizards' flesh into ashes and it only left their bones that also turned black in color

With the lizard boss dead, with Caizher's help, it became easier to kill all the enemies. The only unfortunate thing is that the lizard boss didn't left its corpse. If not, then Caizher could make it his servant

However, Caizher wasn't discouraged. He knew that this village will respawn the lizardmen. Caizher still has plenty of chances to make a lizard boss as his slaves

After the 'war' ended, it is now time for swallowing the spoils of war. Caizher absorbed all the mana stones towards his stomach to be converted into dark energies

A single mana stone only made a little dark energy, thus, Caizher is in need of a lot of mana stones. If not for the monsters inside the dungeon rarely leaving a corpse, Caizher would not have enough dark energies to make more creatures of darkness

After swallowing the mana stones while ignoring the weapons, cultivation manual, skill book, Caizher replenished his force with the newly dead lizardmen

However, this time, because of the lizard boss, the loss was higher than the gains. That is why, Caizher is determined to make a lizard boss as his slave!


On the second day, the lizards respawned. This time, Caizher decided not to indulge on his bloodlust and immediately killed the lizard boss to minimize the casualties. But of course, he paid a heavy price of his darkness to kill it

To his misfortune, the lizard boss still didn't leave a corpse. Only a skill book that Caizher didn't bother to learn after reading what skill it was. He just ordered his servants to store it in case he will have a use for it in the future

He might not care about those skill book and cultivation manual but the normal humans are different. They would want to get a hold of such a thing

On the third day, after killing the lizard boss, it finally left a corpse. Caizher walked towards the lizard he killed and patted its head in satisfaction

"Good lizard, from now on, you will become daddy's slave!" Caizher said happily and slammed his palm that is coated by dark energies on the corpse in the ground

The dark energies started corrupting its body but the corpse offered a great resistance. Caizher gritted his teeth as he stared at the dead lizard angrily "Damn it! I just complimented you as a good lizard even though you're dead, why are you resisting this much?" The man complained as he did his best to corrupt its body

However, he was unsuccessful. The two sides clashed inside the lizard's body causing holes to appear on it and the dark energies leak out from it

"Damn lizard! You are a bad lizard!" Caizher said angrily and kicked the hole riddle body of the poor lizard boss

In the fourth day, the lizard didn't leave any corpse again and Caizher cursed this dungeon's management for being shitty. The only consolation for him is a mana stone that is slightly bigger than normal. But to Caizher, it was not enough!

On the fifth and sixth day, the lizard boss didn't leave a corpse again much to Caizher's annoyance

Only when the seventh day arrived that the lizard once again left a corpse

"Damn Lizard, be good to daddy! Just accept being my eternal slave!" Caizher said to the dead lizard and started corrupting it with his dark energies

Its body turned black and Caizher really poured all of his focus on making this lizard a part of his army. His hard work was rewarded this time as black fog was exuded by the lizard boss before it retracted and entered its body

The lizard opened its eyes to look at Caizher and was about to kneel but the man kicked him on the stomach

"Heh! That's your punishment for not being my servant on my first try!"

The dark lizard boss looked at Caizher with a wronged expression. It was just 'born' and opened its eyes for the 'first time' yet his master immediately kicked him for something he didn't do. What a cruel life!

Caizher as usual entered a routine of immersive cultivation. He will only stop once a day to clear the lizards that respawned again. His army would still sustain a lot of casualties if he won't help

After two weeks, Caizher now has three lizard boss slaves with almost two hundred normal lizards

His cultivation base also rose by a small realm and he's now a high stage Tier 2 Servant

After clearing the lizards for the day, Caizher retracted his darkness and assumed his human form before stretching and exited his small hut in the village

He found Shaina eating a wild fruit that she picked inside the forest. She might be an Ice Demon but she is still a creature of flesh and blood. Although she can eat for a few days without much side effects, but she still needs to eat from time to time

"Master!" Shaina immediately stopped what she was doing and greeted her master. "Hmm, take care of things here. I'll exit the dungeon today"

"Master, where are you going?" Shaina asked curiously. "I'll just clean the monsters outside the dungeon. We can't always be inside the dungeon and it'll be bad if as soon as we exit, we would be surrounded" Caizher replied and waved his hand

He only took his sword with him that he bought from that little girl Candice. As it has a self-regenerating effect and can even store some mana, it became his weapon when he's at his human form

With his strength, it was easy to defeat all the creatures he met along the way. Besides, it was just the snakes. The lizardmen's source in this area was his little village

After some time, Caizher finally exited the dungeon and the first thing he saw was a fallen that was about to blindly enter the dungeon

Caizher used his sword and with a single blade slash, the fallen's head dropped on the ground. At the start of the apocalypse, it was the fallens and mutant animals that gave humanity a huge headache

But now, these fallens are at the bottom of the food chain. The humans once again rose as they were able to increase their strength with the help of the dungeons

However, the true top powers were still the strong monsters that came out from the doors. Most of the monsters are weak or only comparable to the humans

But Caizher heard news before that there are some insanely powerful monsters roaming the earth that will attack bases from time to time. If any such monster arrived, your base would surely receive heavy casualties or even be wipe out

Before, Caizher needs to cautiously travel in this city because of the high number of fallens but this time he was walking leisurely while killing the fallens on his way

After some time, Caizher heard the sound of fighting. In curiosity, he went to where the sound is coming from and the scenes gave him a surprise

Caizher saw a human that has strings made from mana on the tip of his fingers. Those strings are connected to monsters and fallens. In front of that human were skeletons holding swords on their hands

Behind those skeletons was another skeleton that is different from them. The normal skeletons don't have anything to cover their bodies

However, this one was fully clothed by a robe and was even holding a staff on its hand

The human moved his hands around and the fallens and monsters moved

The two sides clashed at each other but it was clear to see that the human was in a disadvantage. If this goes on, he would surely be defeated by his enemy after some time