Chapter 45: Treants and Elf

April 12 Year 2021

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Kill]" Caizher's eyes glow with a dark light as he uses his skill. The own shadow of the lizard boss turned into sharp tendrils that penetrated the lizard's body

As the lizard boss has quite an extraordinary defense too, the shadow tendrils weren't able to kill it immediately and Caizher used another skill. "[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]"

On top of the wounds made by the shadow tendrils, black skull tattoos appeared and the lizard started to lose strength. Caizher wasn't done though as he used a new skill again

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Bind!]" This time, the shadow tendrils wrapped all over the lizard boss' body. It was already a bit paralyzed by the curse but with the shadow bind, it really can't move now

Caizher then charged at the lizard that cannot move anymore and penetrated its face using his sword. As the lizard boss died, its body fell on ground and Caizher was disappointed to see its body dissolving into blue specks of light and only left another skill book that he doesn't have much use

Ignoring the skill book, Caizher turned to see the still ongoing fight between his creatures of darkness and the lizardmen. Even though the Lizard boss was the strongest, Caizher easily killed it with the combination of all of his skills

Caizher is now at the peak of Tier 2 Servant! Only an inch away to reach Tier 3

Deciding to speed things up and also to train his new skills, Caizher helped his dark creatures in fighting. Mana gathered around his palm and he slammed it on the ground. "[Darkness Style: Shadow Bind!]"

The shadows of the normal lizardmen turned into multiple tendrils that wrapped all over their bodies, taking away their ability to move

With the lizards bind on their places, it wasn't long before they were killed by his servants

Caizher ordered Shaina to store another group of skill book that is of no use to him and the dark lizardmen carried the dead bodies of the normal lizards to Caizher

He easily turned them into another batch of dark creatures before Caizher stretched his body. He had quite a peaceful life on these past two weeks

With his servants providing him with resources, he was able to focus on his cultivation and even learned new skills. Caizher wants to balance his cultivation with his skills. You will never know when a skill will be useful. Different situations required different solutions!

Caizher entered his hut first to recover. He wasn't injured but he planned on climbing the mountains today. He wants to be prepared

After some time of resting, Caizher immediately exited his village and started climbing the mountains. The road was very uneven and has rocks that you can trip. Fortunately, Caizher has an easy time climbing even though the road condition is bad

His guard was raised as he didn't know what he will encounter. Caizher passed by a tree when he saw that it moved with his 360° vision

Caizher immediately moved away as a wooden fist landed on his earlier position causing the ground to crack. Looking at what attacked him, Caizher saw that the normal looking tree had an old face now

The ground trembled as multiple trees around 'stood up' with their fist ready to attack anytime. Caizher was cornered as the trees circled him

"Treants?" Caizher asked to himself but the trees didn't answer him and just smashed their fist on him. Caizher used his floating ability to help him propel higher as he poured strength on his foot to jump

The loud sound of the treants' fist slamming on the ground reverberated in the area and the hard ground cracked. These treants has quite an extraordinary physical strength

Caizher channeled mana on his sword and it glowed with a dark light "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" Caizher used his sword to slash in the air and a dark sword light flew out from it

The sword light hits one of the treants but it only managed to cut a few inches deep wound with green colored juices oozing out from it.

Caizher's eyes flashed with shock as these treants have extraordinary defense too. Durable body with high physical strength, it would really give a huge headache if humans encountered them

Caizher transformed into his Titan form and swallowed his sword inside his condensed darkness. He then fell on the ground. As his feet landed below, Caizher immediately covered his foot and fist with mana

He charged at the treant that he ignored before and threw a punch on it. Splinters of woods flew around as a few inches deep fist mark formed on its body

However, Caizher's enemy really has a durable body. In gaming terms, these treants would be tanks with their high defense

It was now the treants' turn to attack as they threw their wooden fist on Caizher's body. But aside from forcing Caizher's condensed darkness to return on its fog like state, they weren't able to harm the man at all

They might have superior physical strength but it still wasn't enough to injure Caizher without mana to support it

Caizhr ignored their attacks and threw non-stop punch on the treant causing its whole body to be riddled with holes. After throwing tens of punches on it, the treants finally died and its few meters tall body fell on the ground

From the vision on his back, Caizher was shocked to see the treant uprooting the normal trees around and they used it as their weapon

The tree weapon then glowed with a green light and this time, Caizher decided to dodge them. These trees have mana infused with them and Caizher was not so stupid to let them injure him

The trees hit an empty air as raging winds were generated from the treants' powerful swing. Caizher then condensed dark attributed mana on his palms and charged at the treants

Fortunately, he is still light and his huge feet didn't make any loud sound or even left marks on the ground like these Treants. With dark mana on both of his palm, Caizher dodged another tree attack by shrinking the head of his titan form

If one looked at the current Caizher, they might laugh at him as his body is big yet his head was almost not visible due to its small size

With this, Caizher was successful in slamming his dark balls on two of the treants. The mana balls destroyed the treants' body and left a big hole on them

But the damage still wasn't enough to kill the two treants and Caizher jumped to dodged their attacks. Caizher then turned his arms into multiple sharp tentacles and infused them with mana. He made smaller holes on the treants but their numbers are higher and more green blood leaked out

He retracted the sharp tentacles before piercing the treants' body again. Although Caizher wasn't able to fully pierce his enemies' body with the tentacles, it was still enough as after some time, the treants died too and dissipated into mana

Caizher turned at the other treants as this time, his whole body didn't have a definite shape anymore. He turned all of his darkness into sharp tentacles and planned to pierce the treants' body with it but a voice entered his 'ears'

"Stop!" The voice sounds a bit feminine and from the trees, Caizher saw a human like being that shot a green arrow on his position

As he doesn't want to get injured and he's curious at what the deal with this one, Caizher dodged and retraced his body into his human form

Surprisingly enough, the Treants stopped attacking him too. Caizher can see the creature sighing in relief before it walked towards him

As the creature become closer to him, Caizher was able to see its features clearly. It looks exactly like a human but its ears were longer and pointy. It was a man yet his white skin will make any woman to blush in shame. His hair was also long and looks as soft as a silk

"What are you? An elf?" Caizher asked curiously. This man's appearance is exactly what the novels depicted the elven race

The man nodded his head as an answer and confirmed Caizher's thoughts. "So?" Caizher asked. Although it was an Elf from the fantasy novels, he still wants to know the deal with this man

"Please stop hurting the treants. They are the guardians of nature" the Elf gently said with a hint of pleading

Caizher frowned at this, why did he become the bad guy? "They are the ones that attacked me first, shouldn't you scold them first?" Caizher was not a saint but he still doesn't like being the bad guy on things that he wasn't at fault

"S-Sir... a-as you know, low levelled creatures of darkness have low intellect and will attack and destroy everything in sight. Because sir didn't hide his darkness aura like low levelled creatures of darkness, the treants thought that sir will destroy the forest. Please forgive the treants for mistaking a high-ranking demon as a low levelled dark creature" The Elf said and bowed his head

It seems like the version of the Elves being kind is the correct one as this one showed complete politeness to Caizher

"Darkness aura?" Caizher asked in puzzlement but it just made the Elf to be the one that is really confused. A high-ranking demon doesn't know what darkness aura is? Is that a joke

"S-sir might know it as corrupted aura. All dark creatures have this. The lower levelled ones that does not have intellect were not able to hide this aura. But a high-ranking demon can easily hide it" The Elf explained although his face was twitching a bit. It was like he's teaching an elementary knowledge to a college student

After the elf's explanation, the damned archive transmitted yet another stream of information. It further explained the corrupted aura

Low levelled dark creatures were mindless monsters and the living beings in the universe doesn't like them. Even the dark creatures with high intellect only treated them as cannon fodders

As darkness essence seeped on a creatures' very being to become a creature of darkness, they have this aura with them. It wasn't harmful to other people but it was easy to know that you are a corrupted by darkness because of this aura

Of course, beings like a demon even if they are the lowest kind can easily hide this aura. Even the lowest kind of demon already has an intellect similar to humans and can think for themselves can hide it too

Fortunately, the archive also gave him instruction of how to hide his aura but Caizher still needed some time to practice

"B-but of course, h-high ranking demon is proud of the level of their corruptness and some don't hide their aura. B-but sir, this is a mountain with a lot of Treants. T-they will attack you as they think of you as a threat"

Caizher frowned as things will be troublesome. He doesn't like being restricted. He also needs to fight and kill these Treants for their drops but this elf is telling him not to do that. This elf is quite kind but Caizher doesn't want to just listen to him

Seeing Caizher frowning, the elf instantly panicked a bit. "S-sir demon, although the treants won't really die as they will be respawn by the dungeon but they would still get hurt. Please don't hurt such kind creatures!" The elf pleaded but it just made Caizher's frown to deepen

The treants won't really die? Does that mean that all the creatures in this dungeon even if killed will just become as good as new the next day?

"What do you mean by they will not die?" Caizher asked as he wants to clarify things. However, this gave the Elf a suspicion. "I-Is sir a citizen of this realm?" The Elf cautiously asked and Caizher nodded his head

"A-a d-demon living in this realm?" The Elf muttered in an unbelieving tone