Chapter 69 War (5)

The longer the hybrid uses its power, the more splits formed on its body. Caizher can see several cuts that weren't healed. The hybrid tried using the surrounding blood again to heal its injury but it just worsens its condition

The hybrid is getting injured because of using energy that its body cannot handle. But now, it is absorbing more energy to heal. That will just give it the opposite effect

However, the hybrid continued absorbing blood as if it did not know it will just further harm his body. It seems like the hybrid really loses its mind

As Caizher doesn't want the hybrid to change targets and cause more casualties on his side, he descended down and threw mana balls on it again

It won't be long before the hybrid dies as instead of healing itself, it just causes more destruction to its body

Just like before, at a speed that Caizher cannot react, the hybrid charged at him and used its fist to once again destroy his chest