Chapter 137: Into the War

The next day, Caizher arrived at the area he had the recruitment the previous day. When he arrived, all eyes immediately turned to look at him and some people even moved away from him

Caizher sensed a particularly strong glare and when he turned his eyes to the source, he saw the City Lord was looking at him as if the two were mortal enemies

Caizher just smirks at that and continued standing in his place. No matter how angry the City Lord is, he still cannot do anything to Caizher if he doesn't want to die. Only death would await a stupid person that will make a stupid move

The recruits start waiting and after some time, several large airships finally arrived above them

Just like most of the things in this realm, the airships are made from durable metals and it even has several spikes on its oblong body

The officer from before exited that airship and he did something in his watch before the recruits received the same message