Money Talks

"You're looking pretty good. But you better lose that long face you're wearing, there are people inside that wouldn't appreciate that."

Dana, still sulking, followed Nancy and her aunt to the office of the latter.

Joy gives Nancy a questioning look on Dana's unhappy face, which she answered by mouthing the words, "She thinks you're pushing her to do what her mother wants by coming here."

Dana keeps on sighing with such sounds to deliberately make it known to her aunt that she's sulking as if her face doesn't show it enough.

"Nancy, take a picture of us, please. I need proof to show to someone's mother. Come here, you little brat!" she called, a still pouting Dana.

When Dana approached her aunt, she handed her a manuscript. It's a piano piece.

"Can you play this one later?" she asked her.

Looking at the piece, Dana groans her frustration.

"Do you really have to do this to me?" she asked, feeling betrayed.

In which she answered, "Why, do you think there are free things in this world? Why do you think your mother agreed to allow you to come with me? Do you think it was because you were able to convince your father?"

Dana stares at her aunt silently. She knows at the back of her mind that she didn't get away just like that from her mother. She knows, but she dismissed the idea because she was over the moon with the thought of meeting the boy that she fancy.

Feeling remorseful, she picked up the music sheet, and asked, "I only have to play this one piece, right?"

"Yes, and give me your opinion on what you think about it later in the meeting."

She brought the music piece to the window and read the notes, when her aunt asked, "Have you already contacted Ellise?"

"No, but she replied to the messages I sent her two days ago. She said she has three hours break every day after dinner, but she has to be back before the eleven o'clock curfew."

"Typical of Wan to run his brood like a tyrant." her aunt said amused.

"Can we just drop by at their place?" she asked.


"Why not? I mean we'll go there during her break time? Is this Mr. Wan or whatever her club she's with really that strict?", baffled, she asked.

"From what I heard yes, and remembered Ellise is the newest member of the team and she is the only girl who got accepted there, she has to work as twice as those other boys to prove herself."

"Instead of worrying about those things why don't you help me with these things that I have to do, so I'll get something in return for spending money on you."

"My parents didn't give you money for my expenses?" shocked, she couldn't help but ask.

"Your mother said, if you want it, you must spend your own money."

"You'll be an adult a few days from now, if you keep on going against your mother, you already have an idea of what will happen to you and maybe you can do some preparation on your side so won't end up destitute as soon as you enter the adult society, or .... just do what she wants. Your choice." her aunt said, nonchalantly.

Dana peruses over the musical notes on her hands, but she no longer sees them. The words her aunt said, keep on ringing in her head. Her guts are telling her that it is not just empty words but a warning.

She feels a sudden surge of pain in her heart, and at the same time, the notes in her hands shake and become blurry. She heard herself saying, "Excuse me, where is the bathroom?"

"When you get out, just turn right and the bathroom will be at the end corner, next to the cafeteria," Nancy said.

"Don't you think you're being too much with her?" Nancy asked Joy once Dana was out of earshot, who's acting like she's unaware that the girl is on the verge of tears.

"I can't be too soft on her, because she'll be eaten alive in the future if she doesn't toughen up. It's for her own good."

Nancy reserved her thoughts regarding the matter because she isn't being paid to express her own opinion.

"By the way, have you found out the reason for Dana's sudden interest in China?"

"No. But I think Miss Jess or Miss Ellise would know. Probably, Miss Jess has more knowledge of it."

"Let it be then, I have a feeling that the reasons are just the usual teenager stuff. But still keep an eye on those kids, once Jess arrived, you'll work with them twenty-four-seven, and Ting will be your designated driver for added security."

"Who will provide us with the clothes that Dana wants for the photoshoot?" added on, she asked.

"Bumgarner Studio will send over the dresses, and I already booked the hotel that we will use for the photoshoot."


Dana makes sure to freshen up before going out of the comfort room. She took a deep breath and tried really hard not to cry because her face will be puffy if she does. She still has to be present at the meeting her aunt wants her to attend.

She decided to enter the cafeteria and grab some snacks and drinks before going back to her aunt's office. When she's about to pay she saw Nancy at the cashier about to pay for some drinks.

"Are you going to get that?" she asked. "Let me pay."

Dana suddenly remembered that her parents didn't give her aunt money for her expenses, and said, "No it's okay, I can pay for them."

"I have a company card to pay for these, so let's just pay it together, and hurry back since your aunt is already looking for you."

"Okay," she said.

"Dana, would you mind bringing this drink back with you? I was tasked to have the team ready for the meeting," she said, handing her a familiar green bottle, that her aunt loved to drink.

She accepted them without words and went back to her aunt's office.

"Here's your drink," she said, putting the water bottle on the table for her aunt.

"Thank you. Why are you alone, where's Nancy?"

"She went to have the team ready for the meeting," she answered.

"How about you?"

"What about me? I'll just play the music score, right?"

"Yes, there's a musical play that I want to oversee the production personally because this project is personal to me. Usually, I don't intervene with how my producers and managers handle things here unless there are some projects that I really like, for example, this musical play." Joy explained.

"I heard a bit of it from Nancy in the car."

"I asked you to be here, for various reasons, one is we need something to show to your mother that you didn't just play here, also because I think you'll love the musical, and the most important thing is I don't want you to be insecure when it comes to money, Dana."

Her forehead furrowed from what she heard.

"You are already an adult and you have a complicated status in your family when it comes to inheritance, but I want you to know that you don't have to fight for it with your family, I have everything covered for you, and your parents knew that."

"I don't need it." Dana strongly declared.

Her aunt gave her a soft smile and said, "If it isn't for you, then who will get it? Whether you like it or not, some of it and more will somehow be yours and it will make your life easier in the future, and gives you chances to do things that make you happy without worrying trivial matters such as money."

"I just want to have fun for my birthday! Why do you have to dump this money matters right now."

"When do you want me to inform you about it? Should I get an appointment first?" her aunt asked sarcastically.

"You know that's not what I mean!" she said, whining.

"I don't expect you to do all of this, I already make sure that all of my money-making endeavors are stable enough even when I am not there. I just want you to be aware and at least have an idea of how it all works, and know the people behind all of this."

"Whatever! I said, I don't want it and that's final," she said, stomping her feet, feeling so uncomfortable talking about money like her aunt is going to die and already clearing her will.

"Say that again when the time comes and you are stripped of everything.", anger can be heard from her aunt's words.

Before Dana could come up with a wise-ass retort, Nancy enters the room and announces that the meeting is about to start and everyone is already waiting for them.