A Rotten Orange

She grabbed Jess's wrist and said, "He is here!!", enunciating the three words between her clenched teeth.

"Who?" Jess whispered like there's a secret that can't unfold.

"Grand!" she muttered the precious name, between her excitement and nervousness.

"That tall guy that is wearing a leather jacket over a white t-shirt, with headphones on his shoulders, breathing behind Ellise's neck. So that's the guy you like?" " I can't see why," Jess said in all seriousness.

"Are you blind?" she asked in annoyance, slapping her hands. "He is soooo…..handsome for the lack of a better adjective," she said grinning like an idiot.

"Miss Dana, let me introduce you to Mr. Zhang, he'll be the photographer." Nancy's voice made her and Jess jump away from each other, and try to act business-like.

She faced the photographer and gave a polite smile while offering her hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang, I'm Dana."

"Pleasure to meet you, miss." said the photographer, "Would you like to see the photos we took with the model this morning?"

"Yes, please," Dana said. She likes this photographer because he has a very engaging smile and a friendly vibe. She isn't good with strangers, thus she silently thanks the ever-reliable Nancy, for picking this man. It would be awkward to act in front of the lens of someone she doesn't feel comfortable with.

"Let the girls sit down and look at the photos Mr. Zhang," Nancy advised. "You may have some drinks while I check our table for dinner."

"Miss Dana, and Miss Jess, is there anything you'd like to order?"

"No, I'm fine with anything," Jess said. "Thank you."

"Me too," Dana said, then as if she remembered something of importance called Nancy, and whispered. "Can you ask Grand, if there's anything he likes to eat," she said with a silent plea in her face. Nancy's face didn't show any reaction, so she grinned helplessly and said, " Would you mind asking the guy if there's anything he wants to eat specifically."

Nancy clearly understood the nuance of Dana's odd request. She wasn't able to react promptly due to amazement that the reason for all this unexpected appeal to come to China, to have a triple birthday celebration and photoshoot, is simply because of a guy. Her boss, as expected guessed correctly, that all of these are just because of some teenager stuff.

But, it looks like there is something her employer got wrong this time. With Dana's facial expression, this isn't one of those just teenage things.

"Yes," she answered. "Is there anything more?"

"That's all Nance, thank you.", she used the nickname she heard from her aunt.

Nancy bit her cheeks and turned around quickly to hide her smile, thinking, ah the bliss of youth and boldness of first love.

While the three of them looked at the trial shot from the photographer, Dana opened her phone and checked the photos of clothes they are going to wear for the photo shoot, and asked Jess and Ellise of their opinion.

She shoved her phone to Jess's hands and stole a glance at what's going on with the boys at the other table.

"Do you like Grand?" she heard a sudden whispering voice in her ears, startled she jumped from her seat flustered by being caught.

She blinks her eyes in front of the teasing face of Ellise. "Uh,....ah,..." she stammered searching for an excuse and found none.

"The good news is, he doesn't have a girlfriend now." Ellise chuckled watching her face beamed in elation after hearing what she said... "But,.."

"But what?" she asked, urging Ellise to continue what she's trying to say.

"He is currently not in a relationship, because Mr. Wan told him to dump his girlfriend and focus on the team he's handling, -which is our team." "He is my team captain," Ellise added.

"That's good news!" She affirmed quickly that earned furrowed eyebrows from Jess and Ellise.

"Where's the good news?" Jess replied to her declaration, "When Ellise basically just told you that you don't have a chance because the man will not enter in any relationship in the near future." "Also just to remind you, because it seems like it also skips from your understanding that Grand just without questions got rid of his girlfriend for his career!"

She gave the two girls at the table with her a clueless expression.

"Ugh! Jess grunted her frustration.

"I mean, he looks like one of those guys that aren't serious with girls and just play around. They have a name for it, it's called being a playboy, player, a fuck boy, heard of it? .. unless you haven't been informed." Jess' condescending tone was sharp with sarcasm.

Dana shifted to Ellise's side to get her opinion.

"Well, I knew Grand from way back but the only thing I knew about him from before was, he lives in the same building with me, he skates, that's how I met him, he has an older brother, and err.. he had plenty of girlfriends." her lips twisted into a lopsided smile with Dana's dejected face.

"How about recently? You're now playing together and at the same time and live in the same building, how is he?" Dana asked, no sign of giving up despite being disappointed.

"He's a really good player and a team captain, most guys in the club like him. He has a friendly personality, but I guess, if you don't know him well, you'll misunderstand him as someone frivolous, which he isn't,.. Uhm, in his job I'd say. I don't know as girlfriend. I mean,..." said Ellise, squirming in her seat with this kind of talk, she never talked about guys with friends, since she never had girl friends before.

"Over friendly, if you'd ask me."

"Why are you so against him?!" her eyes widened in disbelief at how Jess is acting.

Jess refused to answer and averted her eyes to the source of their girl's talk and with how the boys from the other table furtively glanced at them, she doesn't have to guess that they are also the topic of their discussion.


"The poor girl is so painfully enamored with you, Bro, she's basically drilling holes on your head all this time." snickering Kai Hern said to Grand. "You sure you're not interested in her?"

"If you're not interested in her, I can have her,- them pretty little girls are my type!", a leering Ling Chee said.

Grand jumped from his chair and grabbed Ling Chee's neckline across the table. "Wipe off that ugly smirk of yours or I'll freaking wipe your face off," he said gritting his teeth in anger.

Ling Chee's face lost its color with an unexpected attack from Grand. "Bro, sorry it was just a joke!" he said, trying to shake off Grand deadly grip.

"Dude, we're making a scene. Dropped it, we don't want the Boss to know about it." Kai Hern trying to pacify Grand.

He was shocked to see for the first time, that the always goofing Grand can be angered. He felt sorry for Ling Chee, who looks like he's about to pee in his pants.

Grand pushed and released Ling Chee from his grasp, "Go back to the club now!"

Kai Hern and Ling Chee stood up hurriedly and scampered out of the restaurant.

Grand looking down at his shaking hands, walked away to the direction of the comfort room to hide away from people staring at him.

The girls from the other table were dumbstruck with what they witnessed. However, Dana hurriedly followed Grand, when he left the table.


"Are you okay?"

Grand was surprised when he spun around to see Dana's face written with worry.

"Why are you here?" he snarled at the girl he doesn't want to have any association with.

"You looked like you're in a bad mood."

"And?.. do you want to do something about it," he asked, shoving her in the corner.

Flustered with the sudden change of Grand, Dana finds herself unable to speak. She shuddered when he suddenly slammed his palm on the wall and imprisoned her in his arms. With his towering height over her, Dana has nowhere to escape.

I'm being kabedon and about to be kissed, she's screaming inside with glee as she watches Grand lower his face to hers, drags his mouth to her ears, and whispers "Listen, I don't know what you want from me, but let me be clear, I hate your type."

She feels the heat of Grand's breath on her ears, as the corners of her eyes start to sting, but before she could speak, Grand stands straight, leisurely puts his hands on the pockets of his leather jacket, and steps back away from her.

She stood stock-still and just watched him move back, but when she saw Grand droop his shoulders, as he turns around the corner she regained her senses and ran after him.

"Why?" she asked, grabbing his arms.

Grand flabbergasted seeing the girl, holding his arm and asking him for an explanation.

"Why?" she repeated her question.

With furrowed eyebrows he stared down at the girl's face and thought, he is sure that she isn't wearing any lipsticks yet her lips are unnaturally red.

Dana's face flushed crimson red when she realized he is not listening and just staring at her lips.