A Storm Is Brewing

-Tokyo, Japan, Hasegawa residence-

"What did you say to Dana?" Josefa asked his husband in tears.

"Gomen," he uttered the apology with a tight smile.

Watching his wife cry breaks his heart, but what can he do? Choices were made a long time ago, who would have thought that the shadow of those past mistakes would catch them up simply because of someone's greed over money and power.

He has to make sure that whatever decision he had to do, his precious granddaughter would be spared from pain. He allowed the root of this vile intention a long time ago because of love, this time he has to make the difficult decision of cutting the vines that would suffocate everyone he loves.

"Are you going to give what your daughter demands?" his wife asked in an accusing tone.

He reached for Josefa's hands and pulled her into the comfort of his arms. He whispered another litany of apologies while she sobbed in his chest.

He heaved a heavy sigh, caressing his wife's back that was shaking with the torrent of emotions that she has had to suffer for the past months. Their only consolation is Dana is far from home.

He, Akihito Hasegawa - as the head of this family, is about to undertake one of the many difficult decisions he has to make to keep his family intact. He now acknowledged the bitter truth that he lost the courage eighteen years ago, and there was no one to blame but himself for being weak.

He doesn't have enough time to correct his mistake. His only hope and wish are that when all the dust settles the people he loves, see his intention for keeping the lies.


"Put down everything in the living room. I'll make you some tea," she said.

While the old woman goes to the kitchen, Dana takes out her phone and snaps photos of the adorable boy with a goofy smile. It seems like his mischievous smile has been present since he was a young kid.

Dana couldn't help grinning at all of these pictures. She feels like she got the best Christmas present stumbling on all these treasures!

"He is my grandson Wang Wei." The old woman said, putting down the tea she prepared on the table.

"My name is Dana Hasegawa. I live two doors down from yours. I'm glad to meet you," she said, stammering with her Mandarin. She wants to make a really good impression with this old woman. She grinned inwardly.

The old woman motioned for her to sit down. Which Dana did, trying her best to remember her training for the proper etiquette of a young lady.

"You can just call me Nana." she smiled warmly towards her and Dana felt at ease.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, from where is your family Dana?" she asked.

Dana carefully accepted the cup of tea she handed.

"I'm from Tokyo. I'm here in Shanghai because I want to study music at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. As of the moment, I'm studying Mandarin and practicing the piano." she explained lengthily.

Nana smiled fondly at her and asked again, "Can I hear you play sometimes? I used to play the piano myself."

Dana looked around the living room but she didn't see a piano.

Nana saw Dana checking if she has a piano and said, "I no longer have the piano because it causes a little problem between me and my daughter."

Dana's heart sympathized when the old lady was saddened with the idea of not hearing or playing the piano anymore. She ended up suggesting something outrageous.

"You can come to my apartment and I would be happy to play for you sometimes."

She is sure it was out of pure intention… or was it?


"How do I cut the broccoli?"

Dana and Jess are having a cooking tutorial over a video call. Jess is the pissed off teacher for the useless Dana in the kitchen.

She decided to prepare a meal for herself instead of going out to have a meal alone. She already gave up on wishing that Grand will ever come home to fulfill his promise.

She could probably call Bobby and for sure he would do anything for her, but right now she's burnt out because of all the unanswered questions. She doesn't want to tackle the issues right now. She just wants a quiet Christmas evening on her own.

Aside from the beef broccoli that she is trying to cook, she also prepared some fried chicken. She already has it on the table that she set up near the balcony door, so she could have a better view of the fireworks later. A bottle of wine was already chilled and waiting.

The only problem is the beef broccoli because she can't grasp the idea of how to cut it. But she doesn't want to give up learning something that Grand's like to eat. So, here she is murdering a head of broccoli on Christmas eve.


He is now drunk from all the alcohol he's been consuming since dinner, while most of the Oslo team members look like they aren't affected by the liquor that they have been downing. They were discussing moving to another bar, and Grand slowly stood up from the table to escape.

"Excuse me, I need the bathroom," he said, slowly easing out from the crowded table.

But he didn't go to the bathroom since he doesn't really need a bathroom break. Instead, he pushed the fire exit door at the back of the bar and stood in the back alley to have a smoke.

He's having a quiet moment out in the cold when the door opened and a girl in tight leather pants approached him for a light.

He cupped the light in his hand and lit the girl's cigarettes. When he put his light back in his pocket his phone vibrated, he fished it out and saw the time to be almost midnight. It's now four in the morning in China but Dana is calling her.

Drunk and curious about why Dana would call her, he forgot that he was avoiding her calls and answered it.

"Merry Christmas!" she said, sobbing.

Grand sober up upon hearing Dana's crying voice. He was about to speak up when the girl who asked for a light talk to him.

"Thanks, I'll go ahead!"

He raised his hand to gesture goodbye. When he returned his attention to his phone Dana already hung up.

He tried to call back but the line was busy. His eyebrows furrowed.