Fangirling In Beijing

The next day, she went directly to the venue of the CTF event. She has no idea what will happen because Grand didn't send her a message last night, and she still can't reach his phone today.

She was shocked when she arrived because a bunch of girls was screaming in front of the familiar shuttle bus at the main entrance of the event place. 

She tried to get nearer the bus to see the player but she was pushed by the throngs of girls with their banner and placard shouting the player's name, mostly Grand's name. 

Dana's lips curled up in a sneer towards these fangirls. Is it always like this? She remembered when she first watched Grand's game she didn't encounter all these fans. She decided to move away from the crowd and find the entrance to the event place. 

"Excuse me!" 

A girl in a denim skirt jumper called her attention. She looks pretty cute, holding signage of Grand's name. She controlled her facial expression seeing what the girl was holding.