Behind All Her Pretty Smiles

He momentarily closed his eyes, telling himself that his ego isn't the priority right now, -- it is Dana.

"I ordered some pumpkin soup. You weren't able to eat properly during lunch, sorry about that. My team members can be a little rowdy most of the time."

She didn't react and just went to the table where he prepared the food for her. She sat down and picked up the blueberry muffin while pushing away the bowl of pumpkin soup.

 "I hate pumpkin," she said.

Grand removed the bowl of pumpkin soup from the table and put it inside the fridge. When he opened the refrigerator he saw some milk, he then decided to warm a glass of milk for Dana. 

When he brought it to Dana, she drank the warm milk without question. He sighed with relief. This is all new to him, --taking care of someone. And he never thought he will do it with Dana because she always looks like someone who can take care of herself.