An Old Wound To Heal

"I'm sorry!" 

"What are you saying sorry for? Mei was never your responsibility. Well, I do understand that it is quite unnerving not able to know why she made you her guardian for that facility when she has a husband. But then, you are not at fault." 

"My fault was not with Mei, but with you," he said, drinking his glass of whiskey in one go. 

Grand eyebrow creased watching his friend. He has been acting strange about this issue about Mei. He wanted to ask him about it but he can't seem to find a good opportunity to ask. Now, he has a chance to ask Bobby once and for all of what is his issue with Mei. 

"I've been meaning to ask you, what's your deal with Mei to act like this?" he asked. 

Bobby didn't say anything but just gave him a pained look. 

"I… too, two years ago, dated Mei…"