Making Amends

"I'm sorry, but Bobby and I just kissed." 

She was explaining to Grand what happened the time she and Bobby kissed in the backseat of his car. How it happened in the spur of the moment because she was having an emotional breakdown seeing Grand after almost a month of no contact whatsoever because he suddenly stopped answering all her calls and messages. Only to see him with Li Na, and he was acting like he no longer cared about her at all. 

"I don't think Bobby meant it too..." she said in between sobs. "...because we didn't talk about it after." 

Gritting his teeth listening to Dana's story of what happened. Hearing that she thought Bobby didn't mean the kiss gives him an assurance, as childish as it seems. Yet, it still pisses him off since Bobby admitted that he is interested in Dana. Which Dana doesn't need to know, he thought.