Pre-emptive Encounter

The three of them were sitting around the iron garden table, which was painted white. Dana was watching Old Huang pouring her coffee into a white ceramic coffee mug. When Old Huang finished serving them, he excused himself after putting down the percolator to the trolley that he parked next to the garden table. 

Dana picked up a blueberry muffin that she realized was re-heated. She slowly breaks the muffin into two, then breaks it again into bite-size using her fork. When she had her first taste of the muffin, she looked at Lili who was still timidly sitting next to Grand. 

Watching her while she sips her coffee, she is wondering where did the hyperactive Lili in Beijing go. It is hard to imagine the Lili she met in the opening game of CTF in China that took place in Beijing, is the same Lili that is sitting across from her.