The Late Talk

"I don't have to go home tonight," she informed him while licking the smudges of chocolates on her fork. 

He sucked in his breath and tried to control the stirring in his crotch area hearing the words from Dana's mouth. Her licking the back of her fork deliciously is not helping at all. He knows he is not going to get lucky tonight. He reminds himself at the back of his mind to manage his expectations. 

"I just have to be home for the morning practice." 

He raised his hand to get the waiter's attention. His eyes are fixed over Dana's face. He barely heard the noise around the restaurant, his brain switched off everything that didn't involve Dana and his hotel room. 

When finally the waiter settled their bills, Grand without a word pulled Dana's chair for her. He held his elbow for her to hold when they got out of the restaurant in silence. 

The drive to his hotel was uneventful and shrouded in heavy silence. 
