What Do I Get In Return?

"What are you planning, baby brother?"

 His older brother asked him with a sneer. They were sitting down at the dining table without their father, for when they entered the restaurant they met the CEO of Lan Industries. His father and Mr. Lan decided to have a small talk over some business matters. 

Thus, he and his older brother had an alone time being snippy with each other in front of a Peking duck. The specialty of the restaurant. 

"Would you believe me if I tell you?" he showed his teeth on his brother, taunting him further.

He knew that he was unhappy with his decision to be involved in the family business. Wang Zhan was used to being the only son to be known in the company. He has always been in the shadows. 

The timing of him informing his father of his idea to join the family business was very unpredictable. He grinned inwardly thinking, poor Wang Zhan, his snoop never had an opportunity to find out his plan in advance.