Love Needs Time

"Where did Dana meet that boy?" 

"He is the team captain of Ellise. I heard he just visited Dana in Vienna a few days before she moved here in Berlin." 

"Hmm," she fell into deep thoughts with the idea of Dana dating seriously at the same time studying. 

"You don't have to worry. This boy is a good one. Polite and comes from a good family. He's good with Dana and quite charming." 

"That's good to know." she said with a smile, "I just want Dana to be happy." she sniffled again.

Meanwhile, Dana woke up and left her bed in search of food. She was awakened by the grumbling of her stomach. She was surprised to find herself in her pajamas and in her bed. 

It took her some moments before she recalled what happened. She glanced at the clock at her side table and it's already past ten. No wonder she was famished. She had eaten a light meal and missed dinner.