It's The Final Goodbye

"I would lie down at our hotel room. I think the alcohol got me. Have fun, you two." 

"We won't be staying out too late," Grand said before the four of them separate in front of Matsugen. 

Her mother just nodded and hailed a taxi back to their hotel. 

"Where do you want to go?" he asked after they could no longer see the taxi that her aunt and mother had taken back to the hotel.

"Let's go to Central Park," she said, excitedly. 

She dreamed of having a date at the park with Grand at Central Park. She never thought she could have it today. 

"Let's walk to the next corner to catch a taxi."  He pulled her closer to him for the street they were on was a bit crowded. 

"No, let's take the subway." she glanced up at Grand, grinning like a kid looking forward to an adventure. 

He chuckled with the excitement on her face. "Subway it is."