The Sin Of The Past (Part 1)

-Nineteen years ago- 

He ran the distance from the curbside where his driver dropped him off to the entrance of the small clinic. He got the information from his secretary too late. When his plane landed at Narita airport, his wife and daughter already left Tokyo to be in this small clinic in the outskirts.


He surveyed the layout of the small building, not giving attention to the young woman who was sitting in the small reception at the entrance. He pushed the door with an arrow pointing to the operating room. 

His chest was thumping on his chest, as he ran once again to the hallway. Nurses and other patients peek their heads out of their room with the commotion he and the receptionist was making. 

The young woman tending the reception area was running after him. His eyes darted on the rooms along the corridor until he came to a room with blinking red lights on the top of the door signaling it was in use.