The Engagement Party (Part 1)

"This is my brother, Wang Wei." 

Wang Zhan was standing next to a woman that Grand didn't expect to be his brother's fiancée. She has a lithe figure and soft brown wavy hair at shoulder length. She looks beautiful, but not the type his brother would pick up in a room full of other girls. 

"Wei, this is Stephanie Yu." 

"Nice to meet you, Wang Wei." 

She has a pretty smile. The kind that made the corner of her eyes crinkle. "You can call me, Grand." he opened his arms for her, and to his delight, she accepted his embrace light heartedly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Stephanie."

"My family calls me Stephie." 

"I don't let my brother call me Grand." 

She giggled, "Got it." 

"Your mother is calling me, excuse me, boys," she turned to Grand before she went to their mother who was standing with some women in her social circles. "I would love to talk to you more, Grand." 

"Let me take you out for lunch one of these days."