The Boy With A Beautiful Smile

Wang Zhan glanced over his shoulder and watched Stephanie fumble on her seatbelt. She was having a hard time performing such easy tasks and irritation rose to his chest. He released a breath of frustration. He wanted her to stay back and he would be glad to do it for her. 

"Let me," he said, he could no longer hold himself but offer. 

"No!" She refused vehemently. 

Wang Zhan's hands froze in the air with Stephanie's strong refusal. And he felt a small pinch of pain in his chest that made his eyebrows crease in wonder. He shook his head with amusement with his own feelings. "Did I do something to you for you to act this way?" he asked in the most neutral tone he could muster. 

However, his actions were interpreted differently by Stephanie. 

His sheer frustration of holding himself to do things for her was seen as just like that—frustration.