chapter 1 | who's she?

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we close?"


"Look, there's a big ass deer! Let's keep it."

"Language, Irene. It's a no."

"Can we stop-"

"Shut up!"

Irene turns her head to Ivory, rolling her eyes when he suddenly yelled at her. They're currently in a carriage that leads to Dynami Academy, from the greek word δύναμη f which means power. Irene laughed mockingly when she heard the name of the school, saying that the one who named the school just didn't want it's name to be power so they took the greek word of it.

"Oh come on, little bro, you're such a kill-joy." She looked outside as she talks to her brother, sometimes freezing the grass that they're passing through it using her hands.

Yes, Irene Vishra is a real life Elsa, as she calls herself. Others thought it was strange that she has snow and ice powers while her relatives have wind as theirs. You see, she's an illegitimate child, in other words, adopted. And of course, there are many whispers and beliefs about how she became a family of the Vishra's, but gladly, she doesn't really care.

"Both of you, quiet." Ivan speaks up, beside their father, Iver Vishra. Irene pouts at the eldest's comment.

"You're no fun, bb." It means big brother, but it sounds like baby, making it more funnier to Irene when she calls Ivan with the nickname.

"Don't call me that."

"I'm the one who has ice powers here but you're colder than me, wow." Irene claps, the others didn't pay attention to her. But then, she hears shuffling from outside. "Did you guys hear that?"

No one answered, when Ivory spoke. "You're being delusional."

"Stop the carriage." Their servant did but Ivan shook his head at the gentleman and nodded to continue. "I said, stop."

"Behave." He turned her head back at Irene and glared at her, she glared back.

"Then I'll do this the hard way." She freezes the wheels, making the horse in front startled because of the sudden stop.

"Irene, what are you doing?!" Ivan whispered-yelled at her.

"I'll be back." And she uses her teleportation powers and left the carriage.

"Irene, get back here!"

When she teleported at the back of the carriage she saw three men with a bow and arrow pointed at her.

"Who are you?" The one in the left made one step close to Irene.

"Not before you tell me why you three musketeers are surrounding our carriage." She grins.

"Why would we tell you?"

Irene sighed. But then she noticed a symbol on the men's cardigans, the symbol of Dynami Academy.

She hummed. "Interesting." She stepped closer to the man who's in the middle while he pointed her arrow at her, clenching it tightly. "Why do you have Dynami's symbol on your cardigan, hmm?"

"We guard the school." The one on the right says.

"Then you don't need to attack us." Irene rolled her eyes, the three men got confused. She showed them her phagor amulet, showing that she's an Ice user student at the school. "I'm transferring."

Phagor amulets are necklaces students that attend the school wear for it to be easier to recognize their element. Different elements mean different designs, and this mean's Irene's phagor has a snowflake symbol, it being covered by ice blue hue.

The men put down their bows and but back the arrows on their pockets for arrows on their right. They bow and says sorry.

"As you should be." Irene smiled as she fans herself. "Now, can you lead us the way to the school?"

Every people on the realm has their own kind of material called emblem that holds most of their powers when needed, Irene has her fan for that, naming it Yuki which means winter in Japanese. It's made with real ice but not that heavy for a person to not have strength to carry the material. Like other emblems, hers can also transform into an ordinary fan for disguise purposes.

She goes back to the carriage, everyone looking at her and she looks back at them, her grin dropping. "What?"

"Did you really need to do that?" Ivan glares at her.

"Don't be such a bitch," She commented.

"Irene." Their mother, Iedryn Vishra gave her a warning look.

"Okay, I'll stop." She out her hands in the air in defeat, and turned her head back to Ivan while unfreezing the wheels of the carriage, making it move again. "They were just guards of the school, I handled it. You should thank me for that because I got us an invitation to pass, they didn't recognize the new carriage, you know."

"Tch." He looked away, glaring outside instead of her.

"I said so many crap and that's the only think you say." She mutters to herself.

She can hear Ivory's laughter beside her and she glares at him but he just replies with a snicker.

"Anyways," She continued speaking with an eye-roll, "Are we really staying here for a whole 10 months? This isn't different from the mortal world so why do I need to transfer here with these scumbags?"

"Don't talk about your siblings that way." Their mother spoke to her. She bit back an eye-roll while listening to the two boys' snickers. "You know this moment will come sooner or later, you have to care about yourself."

"I already care about myself." Irene slightly whined. "When I was in Japan and I had time off school, I trained and trained myself, so why do I have to come here?" She complained.

"You know you have no other choice." Their father spoke up, making them shut their mouths. What Irene can only do is frown while different types of curses appear at her mind.

"Can I atleast bring my books?" She looks at her father with desparation in her words and gaze.

"We already know you'd want to bring them so we made a small library for you in the library." Ivan said.

"How kind of you, bb." She smiles with a teasing tone, Ivan glares at her when she said the nickname. "Now, how can I go there?" She said with confusion, opening her fan with a 'click' for air to go to her sweating forehead.

"Of course you'd use your teleportation crap." Ivory sarcastically commented, their mother lightly smacked his head and he slightly pouted.

"How can I do that when I don't even know where it is?" She said back also with sarcasm.

"You'll find a corner of the main library which has research papers on the sheves," Ivan explained. "Just say 'forbidden library' on your mind, you know what else to you."

"Well then." Irene smiled at her brother for the last time before taking her gaze back at the window.

She was thinking if all her books are brought and not just 1/3 of them when an opening of some gate interrupted her pool of thoughts, making her look out the window and look what opened. In front, she sees a gate made with iron open upward, it's edges at the top filled with thorn-kind shapes. It's height is almost 30 feet, lining up with the walls they just passed.

"It looks more like a training ground for the military than a school." Irene blurted out, their father looked at her and gave her a look. "What?"

"That's because it is a training ground." Ivory rolled his eyes as he exclaimed with a duh tone.

"No shit, though." She gave him a snicker. Ivan just sighed, not even making an effort to scold them again as he knows it'll be useless anyway.

The carriage stopped in front of the main door of the main building of the school, they stepped outside when a man opened the door for them, his hand leading them to the entrance with a welcoming smile on his lips.

Irene was the only one who gave the smile back to the kind man while to others just nodded at his direction.

They're too serious... She shook her head at her family.

Ivory noticed this and he raised a brow. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." Irene just flickered her hand, trying to cut the subject, and he did.

Two maidens opened the 20 feet door for them and they went inside the main hall of the main building. The size of it is as big as a two-ways highway that you can fit a car inside of it in a horizontal way. The doors in the corners of the hallway has the same height as the main door, each made of mahogany wood which is quite expensive and it also looks expensive. Pots filled with flowers that are on a stand is on the corners of the doors, making the feel of the hallway refreshing. The walls are made of white marble while the floor is tiled with designs with the color khaki. Big gold chandeliers are hanging from the high ceiling also made of marble with flowers and leaves patterns.

If only I had my camera with me. Irene thought to herself, crossing her arms. She has always loved doing photography ever since she was 11 years old. Anything that catches her eye, she takes a picture. Even if it's just grass, she'll take a picture of it.

After passing three doors to the right, they stopped their tracks at the fourth one, one of their maidens opening the door for them and they went inside. Irene gave a smile to the maiden, thanking her, and she gave it back while bowing slightly.

The room's height is the same as the hallway's, 30 feet tall, and it's walls is also made by marble and the tiled floor is also the same as the floor on the hallway. In the middle in front of the door, it has a window made with thick and sound-proof glass, almost covering the whole wall. 3 chandeliers spread through the tall ceiling, the one in the middle lit up with candles. The corners of the room filled with book shelves and different kinds of books and files, on both sides there's tables made of mahogany that has 6 seats, all 12 in total. And in the middle in front of the glass-made window, there stood a lady giving them a welcoming smile, she seemed as she way only in her middle 30's from her looks, and her posture is the same as a queen to compare.

"It seems that you have finally arrived." Her voice was sweet, like you're biting into your favorite candy, her smile is even sweet.

Irene secretly grinned in slight annoyance at what she said, no shit.

"Sit if you might." She points her hand at the table on the right and they sat on it altogether. The lady sitting on the middle to the left while their father sat to the other side, their mother on his left and Ivan on the right and Irene and Ivory facing each other.

"I know you don't know me yet so I'll introduce myself." The lady looks at Irene with a smile and Irene gaves her attention to the lady. "Nice to meet you Lady Irene, I'm Jessica Faye the headmistress of Dynami Academy, the 15th headmistress from our family."

Irene bowed a little at her with a smile back. "It's great to finally meet you too Headmistress Faye." Liar, she luaghed at herself.

"Call me Jessica. "She smiles. "So you're finally deciding to transfer here after 3 years?"

"Uhm..." Irene says unsure, "About that..."

"Irene." She turned to look at Ivan who has a reasurring smile on his lips, making the breath Irene didn't notice she was holding go out.

"Well," She started, "I wanted to experience learning in a school where I can helo myself concentrate while using this." She made a snowflake from her hand, Headmistress Faye smiled and nodded at her.

Bruh, I'm such a good liar, what the fuck. Irene closed her lips to stop herself from letting out a laugh.

Their conversation ended there when Headmistress Faye turned to their mother to catch up on things. I know they were childhood friends but they don't have to make us feel like a thirdwheel in their convo, Irene thought with a quiet sigh.

As the time passes and more catching up on things had happened, they finally decided to finish talking and gave Irene's uniform to her.

"You can change in the bathroom there." Headmistress Faye held her hand up high into the direction of the bathroom and Irene nodded.

She opened the door and was stunned by what the bathroom looked like. It has a mini chandelier on the ceiling, a big mirror that is in the wall that's made of marble and the floor tiled with grey and khaki, different circular patterns making it more lovely to look at.

After she changed, she took a look in herself in the mirror and shrugged. The top is white made by fine cotton matched with a bergundy red necktie that has the symbol of the school printed on it, with a blue and gold pin attached to the right corner, showing what year she's in which is 4th. It's partnered with a red skirt with the logo scattered in it with the same berguny color for the string that's used and for the finishing top is a bergundy cardigan with gold streaks on the edges. Irene wore her black pantyhose with black heel boots that is 3 inches in height making her a little tall.

"Why is Japan's skirt much shorter thsn these." She frowned while her backside is in front of the mirror, checking out he skirt which is just up the knee. "Back at school it's a mini skirt. I should've come here sooner."

Fixing her short blue curled hair and adjusting her bangs, she walked out of the room where the only ones left there is Ivan and Ivory, making her raise a brow. "Where's mother and father?"

"Headmistress Faye companied them to the carriage to go back." Ivan explained.

"Already going away to do some shitty business, right?" She bitterly smiled.

"They don't want to see your ugly ass." Ivory flickered his wrist to her direction and started walking out to the door.

"Woi!" Irene yelled at him, walking fast to catch up with him just to smack his head with the fan. "The only one who's ugly here is you. Right, brother?" She snickered at Ivan's direction, who just rolled his eyes and opened the door while shaking his head.

"Now, now, both of you should show me around at lunch as you're the best of brothers." She cooed while facing Ivory before putting her arm around his shoulders. Luckily for her, their height difference is only 2 centimeters, Irene being 179 and Ivory bring 181.

"Who would want to accompany you." He scoffed.

Then she now only realized that the hall was packed with many students that are now looking at them, especially her, while they walk.

Who's she?

I haven't seen her anywhere here.

Why is she with the Vice-President?

Look! She has her arms on Ivory's shoulders! Haw dare she!

She seems familiar though.

I heard, the Vishra family were out in a hunt when they saw her in the forest when she was just a new born. I think her name's Ivy.

Irene rolled her eyes at what she heard last from a girl with short hair, they talk behind my back and they say my name wrong, what kind of bullshit is this?!

Ivan saw her roll her eyes and gave her a look, Irene saw it and she looked at him. "What?"

"Don't listen to them."

She scoffed. "How can I not listen to them when their suppose-to-be whispers are louder than crickets? It's not like I can act deaf or anything."

Ivory rolled his eyes at what she said. "It's just the first day and you're already speaking nonsense." He put away her arms that was in his shoulders. "Get off."

She gave him a look. "Oh, brother, I always speak nonsense, don't be suprised." She faked a smile, opening Yuki before fanning herself for a breeze of the cold air.

Whispers became more loud when they heard her call Ivory 'brother' but she just chose to fully ignore them.

Irene turned her head back in front when she saw a familiar figure 5 doors away from them. She squints her eyes as if it would make her vision better and it went wide a few moments layer, her mouth gaping in suprise.

Iver noticed her reaction and raised an eyebrow. "What are you looking at?" He followed her eyes' direction and only saw Mr. Suzuki Ichijou who is wearing his daily uniform, every day is different according to the schedule. Standing at 6'0, he looks like a giant in the halls but compared to Ivan, there's not much difference to see. Mr. Suzuki is from the mortal world in Japan, and his Japanese features can be seen at first glance. With a handsome face like his, everyone would be suprised if he doesn't have a girlfriend yet.

Irene ran into Mr. Suzuki, saying his name while passing through the 5 doors and when she got close to him, she quickly smacked her fan into his shoulders.

With an 'ow' he looked at Irene with a scowl. "What the hell?"

"Hey, Ichijou!" She pointed at the man with a playful smile. "You didn't tell me that you were also an immortal and went to teach here. You really are keeping many secrets with me." She gave him a look telling him to explain, slightly laughing.

"Hi to you too, Sakura." He smiled, showing his dimples, Irene only gave him a look. Sakura is Irene's legal name back in Japan, meaning cherry blossoms.

But she quickly smiled and tapped Ichijou's arm again. "So, what are you doing here?"

He laughed a little at Irene's curiosity. "It's time for class already, I'll explain it to you later on, alright?"

Irene frowned but quickly hid it with a snicker and looked up the door, putting her hand at the doorframe. She saw that it was her home room, much suprised that Ichijou will also be her home teacher.

He first came inside the room as he had things he carried. Irene first turned on her back to her two brothers, also noticing that people got even more curious as to who she was when they saw her casually talking to one of the respected teachers in the school. "I guess I'll be seeing you two at lunch then."

"Yeah, yeah," Ivory flicked his wrist before starting to walk to the hall on the right.

"I'm just next door." Ivan gave her a small smile before going to the next class.

Giving the students who were still looking at her with a raised eyebrow, making them look away with their bluffing, she stepped into the classroom and looked around. Then she saw there were only two students around, the one sitting at the side of the window on the 4th row amd the one who's in the middle on the first row.

When she saw that the back seat beside the window is not reserved, she walked into it's direction before glancing at the boy who's in front. She sat at the chair, stting with her right leg on her left and putting her bag on the handle beside the table on the right.

Soflty tapping her right cheek with her fan's edge, she looked at the girl in front of her who has green streaks on her long straight brown hair. She thought for a moment before tapping the girl's shoulder with Yuki. "Hey."

The girl automatically turned her head and Irene blinked for a second. The only thing she thought about her features was these two words, pure and innocent. The girl's green eyes was the first one she noticed, it's like a lamp glowing under a cave, her cheeks are a little puffy making her more cute. "What's you name?" Irene smiled at the girl.

"Oh." The girl gave her back a smile. "Naomi. Naomi Ryles."

Ryles? Irene thought, Naomi noticed her look and she chuckled. "Yeah, I'm from the Ryles family."

The Ryles family was known for being in the top ten families in the realm, theirs going up at fifth. They're also known for their controlling plants abilities and also being healers in a group, which sometimes explains their innocent aura.

"Well nice to meet you, then." Irene rested her cheek on her palm. "I'm Irene, Irene Vishra."

"You're Irene?" Naomi blinked in realization.

"Yeah, I know." She chuckled. "This is the first time I've shown myself after 11 years, although my childhood is kinda blurry."

"Well, I would be glad if we can be friends." Naomi's eyes seem to sparkle, her smile getting wider as she gets enthusiastic, Irene chuckled at her cuteness.

"Oh, we can be." Naomi doesn't seem like the girl who'd be plastic if you were her friend, so Irene accepted. She has this thing with meeting other people, looking at their features before analyzing their words to see if they mean the words they say when they're glad to meet her or not. Better be safe than sorry, right?

After chatting for 3 minutes, Irene later thrn found out that Naomi is the Historian of the Student Council. "And you say Ivan is the VP?"

"You didn't know?" Naomi asked.

"He's not that talkative." She frowned but quickly smiled. "Then what do you do as a Historian?"

"I... don't really know." Naomi blinked, realizing that she didn't know a clue. "I guess memorizing the history of the school or something?" Irene laughed at her cluenessness, the female tilts her head in confusion, "What's so funny?"

"Okay class, quiet down for a moment." They all turned their attention to Mr. Suzuki who's smiling at the front of the class with his hands together. "I'm going to need you to make a little bit of an introduction, as I know some of you here is new to the school." He glanced at Irene when he said his last line and Irene sat straight. "Who is the transferees here?"

For a moment, no one raised their hand when Irene broke her awakwardness and raised her hand high. "I am...I'm new here."

Whispers in the room suddenly erupted, their fingers and eyes pointing at Irene's direction but she kept a small smile even if she felt awkward by their stares. I really can't wait 'til this is all over...

"Well then," Mr. Suzuki smiled and went to the side to make space in front. "If you may."

When she stood up, she straightened her skirt first as she knows sometimes it goes into a dangling mess and walked in front of the class. And then when she's in front, she suddenly felt nervous with all the eyes watching her. I hate having scopophobia. She clenched her fist behind her back to calm herself.

"...Um." She starts off, biting her inner cheek. "Well, my name's Irene, Irene Vishra, I lived in the mortal world for 11 years but I came here to graduate to experience on going at a different school. Uh..." She thinks of other things to say. "I'm 18, turning 19 at September 17 and I hope we can get along." She finished with a fake smile.

The class was still silent, only Naomi smiling at her, but she didn't mind. Mr. Suziki clapped his hands together, getting the attention of everyone again before speaking, "I also hope that you class and Lady Vishra will get along and givr her a nice welcome. You can get back onto your seat.

Irene nodded before going back on her seat and opening her fan for fresh air with an unamused expression. "I hate introductions, especially when you're a transferee." She conplained with an annoyed look.

"I know right." Naomi agreed while chuckling, still facing the front to not chase attention.

"When Ichijou said to the class to welcome me, I know they don't want to." She left a heavy sigh.

When Naomi turned her head into her. "Ichijou? You're calling Mr. Suzuki on his first name?"

"Oh you know, he's from Japan right?" The other nodded. "Well Japan is where I stayed for those many years and he became my teacher for two years 'til third year so we became pretty close as we only have a five hear gap."

Naomi gave her a knowing look, Irene frowned. "Oh, don't get me that look. We don't have a thing, just friends. Besides, Ichijou has a girlfr-"

"Excuse me Lady Vishra and Lady Ryles," They quickly sat straight and looked in front. "Do you have something to share to the class?"

"Nothing." Irene blurted out, fanning herself and looking outside the window.

"Then please keep quiet as I can hear my name in your conversation." The class erupted in laughter and snickers. Irene rolled her eyes at Ichijou's direction, the man only giving her an innocent grin before continuing what he's saying.

As the class listens to him, Irene noticed something, well someone that is. She noticed that the boy in the middle on the first row didn't join the class in laughing to humiliate her, she continues to tap her fan into her cheek, still looking at the boy.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

When all four perions in morning class ended, Irene released a relieved sigh and grabbed her backback. Naomi who is also with her in English class followed her outside the classroom.

"You made a big impression at the teachers today." Naomi smiled at her.

"What? An awkward impression?" Irene bitterly frowned.

"We're all awkward at introductions, you know." The other chuckled.

"Nevermind that. I gotta go to the bathroom or else I might release a fountain here."

Naomi snorted and laughed and Irene laughed back at her own words before doing what she said and went to the girls' bathroom.