To have someone you like

Rubiella woke up in a delightful mood. She was excited to begin searching for Hansel in the family records.

Annie noticed her good mood as she brushed Rubiella's thick red hair. "Did you have a nice night, My Lady?"

"Yes, I absolutely did. I . . .met someone," Rubiella said.

Annie was surprised but she held her tongue. She liked the young lady and she didn't want to scold her for going out and meeting a stranger. The young lady had taken enough scolding to last her a lifetime from her father.

"Pray tell, who did you meet, My lady?" Annie said.

She just hoped that it wasn't an evil man who had stolen the young lady's heart.

"His name is Hansel," Rubiella said.

"And his last name, My Lady? I do hope he is a noble," Annie said.

"I forgot to ask," Rubiella laughed.

Annie groaned. "My Lady, is he a noble or not? I do worry for you."

"I think he is. He looks rather dashing in his suit and his manners are impeccable," Rubiella said with a daydream look in her eyes.

Annie sighed. "If you say so, My Lady. If you do not have his last name, I suppose you would like to have the book of family records?"

"Yes! Oh you've read my mind," Rubiella said and hugged Annie.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Rubiella said.

It was another maid in the Summers residence.

"Good morning, My Lady. His Lordship, your father, says you are to visit the Saintess this afternoon," the maid said.

Rubiella frowned. "But I have not yet sent a letter to her. It would be improper to visit unexpectedly."

"His Lordship had already sent a letter in your name this morning. A reply had already arrived and they would expect your presence in the afternoon," the maid said.

Rubiella's mood darkened. Her father just decided to send her off to the Saintess without telling her. He even had the audacity to forge a letter in her name.

"Did my father tell you anything else?" Rubiella asked.

"Yes, he would like you to see if the Saintess truely has no interest in getting married to the crown prince. If it's just her ploy to make the crown prince chase her, your father would like you to cease her efforts. If you need to scare her off, your father will help you," the maid said.

Rubiella sighed. She didn't want to meet the Saintess. She didn't want to make any effort in being the crown prince's betrothed.

"I see. Tell my father that I have received his . . . orders. You may go now," Rubiella said.

The maid bowed and left the room. Annie could clearly see that the young lady's good mood had vanished.

"I will look for his name in the family records while you are away, My Lady," Annie assured her.

The book of family records contained all the names of noble houses in Aderlan. When a new noble is born, a new book would circulate throughout the kingdom.

"Thank you, Annie," Rubiella smiled.

Rubiella hoped that her father will be displeased with her again and she won't be given dinner. She'd have no choice but to go out secretly again, right? Perhaps she'd meet Lord Hansel.




Euphemia told Lucien that she wanted to know what happened to the past Saintesses. Lucien had no knowledge of them also so he told Hansel to get books from the library about them. The library was just walking distance from the Ashburn residence so Hansel would be able to get back quickly.

"I just know that the Black Pit is always successfully sealed by the Saintess. Because if it is not sealed, Aderland would no longer exist," Lucien said. 

"It's where the demons come from, right?" Euphemia said.

Lucien frowned. "Not exactly. The Black Pit has a black miasma coming out of it. It's like a black mist and when a person touches that mist, that person will be possessed by an evil spirit. He will become a demon."

"I didn't know that. What happens after the person becomes a demon?" Euphemia asked.

"The demon will slaughter anyone in its midst. It is bloodthirsty and it is stronger than normal people. We can kill the demon but the possessed person dies also," Lucien said.

Euphemia was troubled. If she would not seal the Black Pit, everyone would be in danger but her healing magic might just kill her.

"Sorry to interrupt, Your Grace and Lady Euphemia. The guest has already arrived in the drawing room," A maid said.

"Let's continue this later, Lucien. I do hope Hansel would be able to get records about the past Saintesses," Euphemia said and got up to leave.

"Yes, let us continue later," Lucien said.

Euphemia went to the drawing room. The drawing room was not a room for drawing. It was simply a room to entertain guests.

"You must be Lady Summers. Good afternoon," Euphemia said.

The lady sitting suddenly stood up and whirled around to face her. She had a very striking appearance. Her long red hair contrasted against her pale skin. Her face had a child-like innocence and freckles on her nose like stardust.

"Pleased to meet you, Holy Saintess," Rubiella said with a curtsy.

"You can just call me Lady Euphemia," Euphemia said and sat on a chair across Rubiella.

"You may call me Rubiella," Rubiella said with a smile and sat back.

Euphemia was surprised. "Are you quite sure? I know that etiquette is strict among nobles."

Rubiella laughed. It was a nice laughter. It sounded open and honest.

"I'm not much of a noble lady. Is your world strict with etiquette too, Lady Euphemia? You're really good at it," Rubiella said.

"My world is not that strict with etiquette but I did have a strict upbringing. You may call me Euphemia. It would be unfair if I'm the only one dropping the name etiquette," Euphemia said.

"Euphemia is a lovely name," Rubiella said.

Euphemia was relieved. Rubiella was not a scary villainess. She was so warm and friendly.

"I chose it myself," Euphemia revealed.

"Oh! Does it have some kind of meaning?" Rubiella asked with obvious curiosity.

Euphemia felt shy for a moment. "It's the name of a princess in a show that I used to watch when I was a kid."

She used to watch a certain anime with her older brother, Yuzan, when they were not yet separated.

"Oh, a princess! What did you like about her?" Rubiella asked.

"She's really nice and caring. I suppose . . . I kind of want to be like her. She's really pretty too," Euphemia said.

"You're just like her then," Rubiella grinned and Euphemia blushed.

"Did she have a happy ending?" Rubiella asked.

"She . . . was killed," Euphemia said.

"Oh my!"

Rubiella suddenly took her hands. "I'm sure you won't get killed. You have the Duke who will protect you and you've got me!"

"You?" Euphemia said.

Rubiella nodded eagerly, her eyes wide. "Yes, me! Us women have to stick together. Especially against arseholes like the prince."

Rubiella covered her mouth. "You didn't hear that."

Euphemia smiled teasingly. "I'm pretty sure I did."

"No, you heard nothing. Please," Rubiella pleaded.

Euphemia patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. I agree with you. He is an arsehole."

Rubiella's eyes widened in alarm. Euphemia laughed and Rubiella laughed with her.

Euphemia could not remember the last time she had enjoyed laughing with another girl. In her original world, all the other women she had encountered despised her because she was engaged to her very popular ex-fiancé.

"I forgot to ask. You truly are not interested in the crown prince?" Rubiella asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm confused though. You cursed him but you wish to be engaged to him?" Euphemia asked just to confirm.

Rubiella looked horrified. "No, I do not want to be with him. His personality is horrendous."

Euphemia smiled. "That's a relief. You will be wasted on him."

Rubiella laughed. "I do like someone who is a gentleman much like the one I met last night."

Euphemia's interest stirred. "Last night? Who is he?"

"Just a noble man who saved me from abductors. If not for him, I would have been trapped in a brothel already," Rubiella said. Remembering him, made her cheeks go red.

"Someone I know just saved someone last night. May I know the name of your knight in shining armor?" Euphemia asked.

"Hansel. I forgot to ask his last name. Do you know him, Euphemia?" Rubiella said.

Euphemia was sure of it. Rubiella's savior was the Hansel of Ashburn residence. He did not provide a last name because he did not have a last name. Only noble men and women had last names.

"What if he's not who you think he is?" Euphemia asked.

Rubiella thought for a moment then smiled. "Then I would have to get to know who he truly is."

Euphemia stood up and walked towards the window. She could see a familiar man walking towards the Ashburn residence with books on his arms.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you, Rubiella. I truly enjoyed our conversation," Euphemia said.

Rubiella got up also. "Thank you so much for having me. Would you like to call me by a nickname?"

"A nickname?" Euphemia asked.

"Oh, right. You might be unfamiliar with it. When you call someone with a nickname it means you're close to that person. It means he or she is your friend or your lover. Is there someone here who already calls you by a nickname?" Rubiella asked.

"The Duke. He calls me Euphee," Euphemia said.

Rubiella looked delighted. "That's wonderful. You're close to him! Do you call him with a nickname too?"

"No, he said he needed . . . a month," Euphemia said. What did that mean?

"Perhaps he's just not used to someone calling him with a nickname. It truly is a personal thing to us," Rubiella assured her but Euphemia still felt worried.

"So, would you like to call me with a nickname? We're friends, aren't we?" Rubiella asked cheerfully.

Friends. Euphemia didn't have friends before. She had acquaintances. People she just greeted in parties and discussed her family business with. Friends. The word made her feel warm inside.

"Is Ruby fine with you?" Euphemia asked with a gentle smile.

Rubiella looked ecstatic. "Yes, I like it. May I call you Euphee too?"

Euphemia nodded and Rubiella suddenly hugged her. Rubiella was like a warm fuzzy bunny. Euphemia patted her red locks. Then she looked out the window again. Hansel was not in sight anymore. Euphemia broke the hug.

"Until we meet again, Ruby?" Euphemia asked.

"Until we meet again, Euphee," Rubiella grinned and went out the drawing room.

Euphemia smiled. She hoped that her first friend would be able to meet the man she's looking for.




Rubiella was about to open the main door when it suddenly opened. She looked at the one who opened it.

Light brown hair.

"Lord Hansel?" Rubiella asked, unsure.

He looked a bit different. His hair was tied to the back, he was wearing eyeglasses, and his eyes were gray. She was sure that they were green the night before.

He looked stunned to see her.

"It's you, right? We met last night!" Rubiella said excitedly.

He did not speak. He just looked at her intensely.

"I wasn't able to introduce myself. My name is Rubiella Summers," she said and curtsied gracefully. "It's so nice to see you again, Lord Hansel!"

"You must have the wrong person," he said and left her standing by the doorway.