The Heir's Decision

"Do you know about the Gold Dragon?" Lucien asked.

Euphemia thought for a moment. It felt like a long time since she had last read the webnovel before she died.

"I don't remember. I think there was no mention of that," Euphemia said.

"The Gold Dragon is part of Aderlan's legend. It is said that each king has the power of the Gold Dragon within him and it is passed on to his heir when he dies," Lucien said.

Euphemia looked confused. "Did the legend come true or something? Does the prince have that power?"

Lucien chuckled. "No, he doesn't."

Euphemia's eyes widened. "Are you telling me that you . . . ?"

Lucien smiled. "I have inherited the power of the Gold Dragon."

Euphemia gasped. "How?! Did you always have that?"